Hello! I'm Milton.

I'm 20, and from Northern Ireland (yes, we have leprechauns).

Ok, so i'm not into films, like, at all...

Why am i here then? Well, i do make some silly videos. I've got about 20 on youtube now. Some are just me talking, others are me doing a bass cover (i'm also a musician) and others are more or less just taking the piss out of myself. Fell free to take a look- http://www.youtube.com/user/martyg565?feature=mhee

So i hope to learn a bit more about making videos. What i'm doing right, and what i really shouldn't be doing at all. I can't promise that i'll visit in here as often as i do with the other musicians forums that i frequent, but i will pop in every now and again just for a bit of a read and maybe ask a question or 2 of some of you more experienced chaps :)

Looking forward to getting to know you all :)


Cool! There's always ways to improve video projects, yup. Never-ending quest.

Welcome to the forums! :cool:

Thanks! I'm just using iMovie at the minute, but i'm also just using my MacBook's inbuilt camera for recording. Hopefully i'll get a new camera at some point, and that will be the first major improvement in my videos :D
See.... Now I need to find out where the damn Unicorns are hanging out. I've got a bet that needs settled.

Welcome aboard!