Hello from Missouri

Just wanted to say hello. I am as new to this as you can possibly get. My experience consists of mainly making goofy home movies with my kids, but decided to start taking things more seriously as I have to many stories that I want to tell.
Oh cool! You're in St Joseph!

You happen to know Cohen Phillips? He made several short films locally there over the past few years, and just recently moved to Los Angeles.

But enough of small world maybes...

You have any particular story in mind, for your first "serious" flick? :cool:
I don't know Cohen Phillips, I'm not originally from St. Joe. I have a few stories that are fighting it out for honor/curse of being my first.

1) A guy with some strong depression issues kills himself, the same day his wife finds out she is pregnant, and he vows to watch over her and their child from the afterlife, only to become jealous and vengeful as the years go by and she moves on.

2) I have a pretty good zombie story in me, but then again who doesn't. It would probably be the zombie movie with the least amount of zombies in it, as it focuses more on survivors quite some time after the world goes to hell and how they have learned to adapt.

3) A series of shorts called "Little Dickie: Scourge of the Wasteland" Ten years after the bombs drop and thinking he was the last man alive, Dickie stumbles upon a town of survivors and has to get used to living around people again. These shorts would be comedies.

I have a lot more inside me. #1 was actually written when I was in high school, now that I am 32, maybe I should change the medium. #3 will probably be where I start simply because they are shorts and it would be easier to cut my teeth as the go on for experience.
Hey Solliz! Glad to hear that you are taking on serious filming projects. I'm from Stockton, Missouri--about 3 1/2 hour drive. I just wanted to encourage you on your filmmaking ambitions. I wish you well.