I am Miraj, a content writer by profession, but truth be told It's something I don't enjoy doing. My main goal for joining this site is to share some of the plots wandering in my mind, and I want to know if they are worth working on. I am frank in saying that I've no experience or interest in filmmaking, but I enjoy the creative writing process involved in screenwriting, that said let me make it clear that I've no experience in screenwriting too, but I would love to explore it. But first, I really want to make all my plots accessible in the public forums and be eager to know their strength, then I'll be committed to developing them. To add I am a brutally open-minded person so feel free, to be honest. Last but not the least, I enjoy writing poetry and am a member of a poetry forum, but my poems primarily follow a narrative style which I think has some sort of connection with the screenwriting process. Hope I'll be accepted here.