Hello from Chicago, IL

Well, Hard Sci-fi is where you use real science...not technobabble.
Think more Apollo than Skywalker....

Glad you like the suits...I built them and then got to wear one.


The suits themselves are based on the Mark 3 suit, currently in testing by NASA and ILM Dover.
We refer to them as the MARK IV.
Our goal with the suits...as well as L5 as a whole, is to make a sci-fi show more closely grounded in real science than most offerings.
Stanley Von Medvey (Co-Creator and Director of L5) used to work for NASA, and still has quite a few connections in the space exploration and science communities.
For example...all the navigation data that will be displayed on ship consoles in the finished product is being done by folks who work at NASA and JPL. All the numbers will be real...all the math will work.
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