Hello from Atlanta, GA!

I'm a paranormal investigator and "wannabe filmmaker". I've created two full length documentaries of my and my teams exploits and have become captivated by film making. I have my hands in every aspect of what I've created so far and don't plan to ever stop letting that be my norm.

I'm here to learn. But I've always found the best way to learn is by doing. For example... I've ordered better mics and dedicated audio recording systems... just a tidbit of my experience. It's clear to me now how important good audio is.

That said... I've created two documentaries on the paranormal. One in 2012 and the other in 2013. Both meet with great success locally. We held screening events each year that was attended by hundreds. It's driven myself and my team to do more with what we have and what we do.

I've since uploaded the films for free streaming on Youtube. In two years well over 100,000 have viewed the films. This is a personal success for us! We didn't expect those sorts of numbers.

I want to learn how to get my video and audio and lighting, and heck... everything as good as possible. I want to try to take what we've created and the future projects we have in store to the next level. I feel like being a member of this forum will truly help me do that.

For the future, I plan to remaster my existing audio and always do my best to provide it at a level that viewers will be comfortable with.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
'sup & hello :)

Sounds like a cool ongoing project you have.

Yeah I'm excited. It's made me want to try and create a script and short film but that'll have to be on the backburner for now. We're gearing up for our next round of investigations. We want to build on the momentum we have on Youtube.

Hello, and you're not a "wannabe", because you've filmed - that makes you an actual one.

You notice my name? ;)

Haha Touché... I have trouble giving myself credit and recognition... I consider it a sickness Lol.