Thank you for your question. "Voice for the Voiceless" - a documentary about a woman who first learns that she has HIV. She faces misunderstandings and stigma in society. Fears prevent her from living in peace, because she is ashamed of herself. But in the course of the film, the heroine grew as a person and gained confidence. I hope the movie will be released on Amazon soon and you will be able to watch it)))Добро пожаловать, Анна, после прочтения сюжетной линии IMDB я заканчиваю тем, что у меня больше вопросов, чем ответов. Очень любопытно о чем
- Голос для безгласных"
Interesting , I worked on a similar documentary project as the editor. you for your question. "Voice for the Voiceless" - a documentary about a woman who first learns that she has HIV. She faces misunderstandings and stigma in society. Fears prevent her from living in peace, because she is ashamed of herself. But in the course of the film, the heroine grew as a person and gained confidence. I hope the movie will be released on Amazon soon and you will be able to watch it)))