archived-videos Health Nut (ITOOFC3 Official Entry)

Well, Here it is. My first movie. Check it out and tell me what you think. I hope you have as muck fun watching it as we had making it.

I would like to just say thank you to Steven Richards (Zensteve), for all the help he gave me on this project. I don't think I could have completed this without him.


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David--very cool! Its a nice, simple idea...and you made it work. It's good that you did not overdo it. You had up to five minutes for the contest, but you were wise to keep it concise... you conveyed the point without overkilling it. Great first effort!
Thanks Bophe, I'm glad you liked it. We had a couple ideas brewing for this one. Some of them didn't pan out, but in the end we thought exactly that. Keep it simple. And most of all have fun. We Had A Good Time.
Great job, dudarino!
As an avid smoker, I must say I enjoyed the ending, where "good" triumphs!!
Very good!
Not bad for a first timer. This is the first thing you've done ever? Christ... maybe I should've entered. The ending was hilarious. I love quick goofy chaos like the jogger getting hit. It was also nice and clear. Kudos on not going too crazy for your first time 'round!
Yes, This was my first. I might dwelve in a little deeper next time. i did,nt want to be to abitious for this one. You absolutly should enter somthing in the future
bugman_jackson27 said:
This is the first thing you've done ever? Christ... maybe I should've entered.

I hope you will, the next time IndieTalk ramps this up.

This is more an exercise in learning from the experience, than placing some "finished perfection" on the screen. :cool:

Everyone who entered this challenge learned alot about the basics, or pushed the boundaries of what they already knew. I see a lot of winners here, no matter what the judges announce or the popular vote proclaims.

dament, nice first time job doing a short film.I really enjoyed this one and a few laughs in there as well. Didn't know Zen directed and helped with this one. He was pulling double duties. :P It was shot very nice and it was a good change to see a color short this round. The colors were nice a bright. I like how all the actors did...well expect for Zen. Just kidding.

Buttom line-Don't smoke and run!
dament, if this is what joggers are like in LA, then this film further cements my opinion that Austin is the LA of Texas.

Funny stuff, I especially like your jogging gate. Plus
I always knew Zen was pure evil...did you see what he was doing to the Ozone wiht all those cigars?

Thanks Cohen, I'm glad you liked it. Yes, Steve was pulling double duty on this. I think I drove him nuts. The man is amazing. I learned a lot on this. I am looking forward to the next one, I know more of what to do now.

We were using a Sony Digital 8 on this, and for some reason it realy picks up colors well, espescially the reds and greens.

Thanks Poke, I have been to Austin, and yes I felt like I was back in California with all the nuts.

The jog was somthing I tried out, and It felt so wierd unatural and stupid that I new it had to be done that way.

I adored the music in this one. Not exactly sure why but as soon as the music began I started giggling. I also loved the way the health nut jogged. Head held high and a lightness in his steps, just makes me want to sing out "tra-la-la tra-la-la":lol:
Mikey D said:
I adored the music in this one. Not exactly sure why but as soon as the music began I started giggling. I also loved the way the health nut jogged. Head held high and a lightness in his steps, just makes me want to sing out "tra-la-la tra-la-la":lol:

Thanks Mike, I felt a little light in the loafers while doing the jog, but I hoped it would make people hate or be discusted with the character more. I started gettting a little to comfortable though wich weirded me out.

I agree on the music I started laughing the first time I heard it too, I have to stop myself from humming along.

It was a lot of fun making this. :)

I got so sick trying to keep all those cigars lit.

Btw, that's how Dave runs normally. No acting required.
Funny stuff Dave! Very nice for your first film. Both you and Steve had me laughing just from the dialogue and the ways you delivered your lines.