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Happy Halloween: music to listen to and use!


I'm putting together an album of some of the music that I've done for Haunted Houses over the past few years (I think it makes fun listening, and would be great background for a halloween party). Thought I'd share them here (the 2011 stuff is Work In Progress, but will be updated as I finish the piece).

Also, I've made them downloadable from now until November 9th. If anyone wants to use them in a film, they are yours free and clear (just let me know what you use, and let me see the finished product). If you'd like me to remix/re-orchestrate/re-arrange or otherwise re-work one of the pieces, I will be happy to for a financial donation, but again, you can use them as-is for free!

Halloween is my favorite time of the year, so it seems a good time to give a little bit back! And if you don't want to use them, give them a listen and let me know what you think...any and all feedback is always good! I like the pieces a lot though and would like to get them heard by more people.
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry-- whu...

... er... ahem..

I meant, Bwahahaha! Happy Halloween!

Very cool, Josh. Might have to sift through some old videos that need a soundtrack accompaniment and never got one. You know I'm a fan.

Thanks, and as always, thanks for listening! And I *definitely* want to see the results if you use something! It's always good to dust off the old work and look at it with fresh eyes (or for me, ears)!
Nice work. Listening to it now. What format, software, PC or Mac do you work on? Which MIDI do you use? Do you loop much? Sounds pretty progressive with out repetition. Awesome work. Going to keep you on file for maybe some future soundtrack work?

I am very impressed. Complex and clean, no clipping anywhere.
Thanks for listening! I'm glad you enjoyed it, and definitely keep me in mind. Hopefully a couple of these tracks will be of use to you for something as well!

My setup is more or less this:
Sonar for sequencing, recording and mixing
Virus B for most synth textures (upgraded to a TI for 2011)
EMU XL7 for most drum sounds
EastWest Quantam Leap Gold for orchestral stuff
And various hardware and software synths to fill in little gaps (some odd percussion can always be had with a Korg ER-1, and the Oud sound in the 2010 stuff was a sample based softsynth I found. KVR Audio saves the day again!) and tons of hardware and software effects and processing gear.

No loops used, except the 2008 stuff. The dining room was obviously manipulation of prerecorded sounds. For the other two tracks, I loaded up a bunch of stuff I had done in the 10 years prior (mostly ambient, noise and synthpop) into the free version of Live I had (which meant no saving!) I chopped and manipulated some of the sections into loops, some as full tracks, and then performed an hour long "DJ set" (the two tracks are excerpts from it).

And glad you enjoyed it too, John. This really is our time of the year, isn't it!
Okay, I've finished with this year's stuff too. Once again: http://soundcloud.com/joshloughrey/sets/haunted-attic/
The "main theme" for 2011 has been renamed "No Way Out" and is a slightly better mix than before (I think). Would have liked to spend more time with it, but rehearsal is tomorrow night, and I had 10 sound effects scenes, plus the live performance to set up. I've also added something different; this year there's a scene with monsters dancing, Thriller style to a house-ish track. Dave wanted it littered with horror movie and Resident Evil samples, so I did that (the sample work could have used more, but again, deadline). It's particularly funny if you've played the first RE (and thus the title, "RE-mix"). That will likely be less useful for you guys, but it does fit for completeness' sake!

Again, these tracks are all downloadable and useable until November 9th. Happy Halloween everyone!
Thanks for listening, and glad you enjoyed them Ernest! People I've met on this forum have played no small part in helping me get to the next phase of my career (and you're all good folks to gab about movies with!), so anything I can do to help someone else out is the LEAST I can do!

And, again, I'll have these tracks up for anyone to use until the 9th, so if you think you might want one down the road, grab it now! Free to use, just give me credit and let me see what you do with it!
Hey guys, long time! I haven't been doing film stuff lately, so I haven't been around as much (though just shot a music video with a friend, so I'll share that here when it is done). Getting ready to do the 2017 haunted house and thought I'd drag this back out again, in case anyone wants or can use them. They're all downloadable, and I can get you a .wav if you need. Feel free to use them in any projects; just let me know and let me see it when you're done! The 2016 themes are all based on Pokemon music, so probably not worth the copyright hassle, but anything else is fair game!

Oh, and anyone curious as to what I've been up to, my current project is here:
Very open to having my songs in films, let me know if anything might work for you! Just played a sold out show with The Dead Milkmen last week in Cleveland. Not that the show sold for me at all, but the band did directly ask me to play, so that's pretty awesome!