Happy 4th!

BBQ, beer, fireworks and more. They should have these July 4ths more often. 8)

Oh hahaha! I didn't even know what you ment when I saw the thread title. Wow, how many people on here are from the states? Most? I'd have started a July 1st Canada Day thread, but I doubt any would post there but me
Well, that's part of the beauty of the 'net for sure. People from all over! :)

Where I was growing up, all the big fireworks events were held on Guy Fawkes' Day... early November. Complete with effigies and all the trimmings. A day to contemplate what might have happened, if the plan had succeeded, and to celebrate the failure.

Well, really just to get a few crates of beer, shoot off some crackers, and have a big bonfire and bbq... and read in the papers about the chuckleheads that managed to lose a thumb in a mishap that night.

Well, getting off-topic on the July 4 part now... so....

Here's to all Americans that love their country, no matter what side of the political spectrum they subscribe to... I think we can all agree on this.

I used to be happy on the 4th, but now it's mixed with sadness. I still feel patriotic and in love with my country, but each 4th means I am one year older and still no big successes in the world of cinema for me. You see, July 4th is my birthday and as of yesterday I am 27 years old. Now I know all you oldies out there are going, "What's this young'un whinin' about?" But it's a real danger to me. I fear that one July 4th in the not so distant future I might give up on my dreams and elect for the house in the 'burbs with the annoying neighbor kids and the PTA. (Sigh)

Bringing down the Happiness,
Don't give up hope Poke! Something will come to get you started on the path to Fame and Fortune, and you'll never have to work again in your life. Thats what im relying on...cuz theres NO WAY i can do a regular job and remain sane.
I feel you Poke

And I'm only 18. In a couple months I'll be 19. 19 IS ONLY A YEAR AWAY FROM 20! I know I'm still young, but this is really scary! 20! That's an adult! No more dancing in the rain or making snow angels or hugging teddy bears. Sigh....
Tine said:
No more dancing in the rain

As an adult you can still do this, you just end up with the flu.

Tine said:
... or making snow angels ...

You can do this also, you just take an average of fifteen minutes longer to get up.

Tine said:
... or hugging teddy bears. Sigh....

If by teddy bears, you mean steel contraptions that you hold on to while a doctor sticks his cold fingers in places that you would rather he not, then you can still do that too.
