Greetings, all

Hello everyone here ... I'm George Dalphin, new to this forum. I'm an independent writer/director, and I've just finished shooting my first short (long though it may be), called I Was Jesus and Dracula! I'm also an author, artist and musician, and pretty much all of my work of all these sorts is available on my webpage -

If you're interested, there is a brief teaser for I Was Jesus and Dracula, which is currently in post-production, up on my website at I'd love to hear what you think!

Well, cheers, and I look forward to extended conversations.

-George Dalphin:HEADPHONEBOY
'sup. :cool:

Couldn't really tell what the story was about, from the trailer. Seemed a bit random.


Now we just need to work out getting rights to the music we've used so far.

Are the particluar songs that important? There are tonnes of budding musicians & scorers who'll take a crack at projects where music/songs need to sound similar, or have "that feel".

Most often, a great deal cheaper than getting permissions for known & existing music, too. :cool:
Yeah - I'm gonna see what my options are, as ideally I would prefer to use the music I have in mind and have already edited the piece together with. But I'm definitely aware of the community of musicians out there ready to work on something for independent films, so that's definitely a possibility if the rights end up being prohibitively expensive.

And yeah, I know you can't tell what it's about from the trailer ... meant just to intrigue at the moment.


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