GREETINGS ain't just a film by DePalma!!!

Hello all!

So, here I am. I'm an indie filmmaker. I've been working at this for over ten years. I've made two features and a bunch of short films and music videos. I haven't been too diligent in getting my work out there; that's something I am trying to change. I haven't entered festivals. I haven't sold dvds. I haven't even had any local showings of my films. No imdb page. My movie websites aren't up yet. Man...

But I'm changing that. Trying to develop a web presence and get involved with the indie film community. I also have a film dvd presale I'll post about elsewhere.

I'm a dude from upstate New York. I'm finishing up a liberal studies MA and pursuing my filmmaking as a career. I am planning on getting my dvds of my films released and two new films made by the end of the year. That's about it. I'm thirty-two and love soda.

-Jason Andrew Torrance