archived-videos Green Eyes for Anastice - New (better) Trailer!

Feature Length Film - Green Eyes for Anastice

Hello All!

I'm new to the forums!

You can view the trailer for my first feature length movie, Green Eyes for Anastice:

The trailer sucks compared to the finished product. I think it really turned out good. It will be playing at some film festivals around the country.

It took a year to do, and I Produced, Directed, Edited, and Co-wrote it. I also Co-wrote and Co-performed the original orchestral score.

I hope to start my next one soon. I'm looking for some good scripts and in the process of getting funding as I speak.

- Michael R Steinbeck
Dropshadow Productions
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I love time travel movies liek this (and Butterfly effect, and Donnie Darko), did you just dive right into features? or did you make shorts before this?
rizien said:
I love time travel movies liek this (and Butterfly effect, and Donnie Darko), did you just dive right into features? or did you make shorts before this?

I've made some shorts but nothing notable. A few shorts in college, mostly just stuff to gain experience with.

We actually had our script written before The Butterfly Effect came out. I love time travel movies too.

My movie uses time travel but it isn't the focus of the story, the story has an underlying theme of greed (hence "Green Eyes").
Looks interesting....

I hate to say this, but the basic plot of the guy using the time machine to go back and save the girl is a lot like 2002 version of The Time Machine. But I'm sure it's much better!
It seems like a good idea for a story, but I had a couple of problems with technical aspects of the trailer. The sound was bad in a few spots (most notably the diner scene). And some of the acting seemed stiff and forced.

The two leads had an interestiung look to them, the guy looked haunted and the girl looked like a girl you'd go back in time to save.

Good luck on the festival circuit.

CommanderGoat: I know it sounds like a basic plot, but him saving his wife isn't the plot. Its what happens AFTER that which matters.
And in case you don't remember, in the Time Machine, he was unable to save his wife, and spent the rest of the film trying to find out why he couldn't change the past.

Poke: I know about the technical problems with the trailer. I made it after just switching editing programs, and hadn't perfected the audio yet ( I have now). I also threw it together quickly because I was concentrating more on the the actual movie; and the people involved were buggin me to see some footage.

The acting in the actual film isn't that bad. They aren't perfect by any means, but they tried hard and did well.

As I said earlier, the trailer sort of misrepresents the film in some ways, since I did the trailer way before the film was complete.
Hello, nice job on the trailer. It did have few backround noise problems(diner) but you could easily ADR them. The gaget (time orb) looked cool. Did you build the prorp? Nice effect when he jumps in time , but you might want to add a little more light comming from the orb or jucie it up slightly. When I think of time travel I think of lot of energy. Maybe it's just me. Overall great job! :yes:

I saw this trailer and liked what I saw. I can't wait to see the feature.

I have to agree, the SFX on the timetravel glow seemed like it should have had more energy, BUT was it really timetravel or a machine to see the future? See her get hit before she does and change it before hand. I guess we'll have to watch the feature to find out for sure.
ilmagic88 said:
As I said earlier, the trailer sort of misrepresents the film in some ways, since I did the trailer way before the film was complete.

I understand that sometimes one aspect of a project can take the back burner to another, and it sounds as if that is the case here. I hope that any of the problems you percieve with the trailer are ironed out in the feature.

And I look forward to the finished product.

ilmagic88 said:
I know it sounds like a basic plot, but him saving his wife isn't the plot. Its what happens AFTER that which matters.

I really didn't mean to say "basic plot." I guess what I was getting at was the action that sets things in motion around the end of Act 1.

ilmagic88 said:
And in case you don't remember, in the Time Machine, he was unable to save his wife, and spent the rest of the film trying to find out why he couldn't change the past.

I'm still trying to erase it completely from my memory. :D

It seems similar to me because, if I'm remembering the Time Machine correctly, his wife was hit by a Horse Carriage, and in your film, the girl (wife?) is saved from being hit by a car. Then later in the trailer, the main character says something like "I was just trying to set things right" (sorry, I'm on a dial-up computer at the moment, so I can't watch it back to quote correctly). But that just reminded me of Alexander in Time Machine who thought he was doing the right thing by trying to change the past, then realized he couldn't.

Anyway, sorry if I made it sound like you were ripping it off. I didn't mean for the statement to be taken that way. I just wanted to let you know that thought went through my head when watching it.
Looks like an interesting premise. Time-travel is always fascinating. :yes:

Images looked a bit blurry most of the time. Don't think it's the compression. (Well, not so much blurry overall, as objects/people lacking a sharp or defined edge). What did you shoot it on?

Liked the music a lot. Very good.

Pretty long for a trailer, where about a third of it was hugging/smooching. Chop it down to 90 secs or so.

I'd go see this if it was playing at a fest near here. Be sure to post when/where it's playing down in the Festival forum, as you get new screenings. :)
Thanks everyone for watching the trailer. I will probably edit a new one soon using the final cut of the actual movie, so it better represents the movie.

That time travel effect was just a preliminary effect. I actually redid it entirely shortly after I did that trailer. Its bright and glowing!

All the problematic issues in the HAVE been ironed out. The final cut of the movie looks and sounds good.

The blurriness was an effect I was experimented with. I shot it on Pro DV and was just playing around to soften the image. I didn't use that effect for the final.

Currently its going to be playing at the New York Int'l Independent Film & Video festival in New York in November. I'll know more soon.
playing at the New York Int'l Independent Film & Video festival

Ermmm... How much money have you already sent them?

Are you familiar with the way they operate?

There are a few threads about this fest in the "Festival Talk" forum.
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I paid them the registration fee. I have read the posts in the festival forum. Some people say they try to scam a bunch more money out of you. I'm not about to shell out a bunch of extra money to them.

As long as the film is played there and gets exposure to a lot of people, thats all I care about.