Greeetings and Salutations

I thought I would drop you all a line and tell you of your newest member of the IndieTalk.
I'm 28 and a grad from a film program in Madison, WI. I just moved to the Kansas City area and would like to find like-minded peeps to make some movies this summer. I am working as a TV Producer at an area PBS Station. it isn't film, but much closer than my previous job (aka Bartending).

I have made a few short films and am currently working on a short-turned feature film now. I would like to film a few shorts this summer to edit in the fall to have ready for some festivals in 2006 (seeing as I always seem to findout about a Film Fest RIGHT after the submition date. Also, hope to get my shorts online ASAP for veiwing/bashing :pop: / :bang:

I was able to find a good group of people up in madison that were into film, and I hope to find the same here in MO/KS. Always looking for film work. Always looking for stories...not a fan of my writting, so i would rather direct (I know, you haven't heard that before :lol:

I think that's it for now.
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:hi: welcome!!!!
and no need to worry about film fesivals anymore, cuz if you haven't found it yet there's a topic about them! have fun & good luck :P
Hello Monkey,

Great to see another Missouri filmmaker on this board. We don't have enough of them yet. :P I don't live to far away from you, I'm up in St. Joseph. About an hour away from you. I'm finishing up my 50's film noir serial NightBeat I'm always looking for help infront and behind the camera. Shoot me an email or PM and we'll talk more about it.

You'll find alot of help on this board. You have found your new home on the net. ;)