german filmmaker asking for help --> international movie project

Hi all,

my name is André, I'm 23 years old and I live in Hamburg, Germany. I am a filmmaker now for about three years and did a one year internship doing sfx-make-up effects before I started making movies myself. I work as a media designer for a major TV-Station (camera, editing, sound recording etc.), and use all the free time I have to work as a crewmember for movie productions, or make movies myself.
As a director I did some short movies in the past, one 60min documentary on american football, and very recently a commercial for german cinemas (1st time 35mm).
If you need to know anymore go ahead and ask.

For some weeks now I am in pre-production of a new project, and I would like to link up with some international filmmakers to help me with that.
It is going to be a horror movie of approximately 70mins, filmed with four gl-2 (mini-DV) cams in northern Germany and especially Hamburg.
Since I am still working on the concept, I can only give some Ideas of the story here: The story is about a group of people, who finds videos on the internet, that show people die -all in the same mysterious way (not sure which way, yet), but without any premonitions - caught on cam by some person who was filming something completely else, e.g. mum, and daughter in the foreground playing, dad filming them - in the background: some person walking along the sidewalk collapses and is dead. They will find more videos of that kind and will find that there is one thing, that links all those clips together: there is a creature like shadow hushing through the frame right before the person dies (or even better: one same person is in the shot, every time anyone dies like this).
Those people would not look up such videos, if they were not obsessed with those x-filish, occult things, so they grab their cameras and try to find out, what this phenomenon is...

The movie will look like it was completely shot by these amateurs as a documentary to prove the existence of the paranormal. By adding ghosts and monters to it via 3D-animation and compositing effects I want to try to make those creatures more believable, than in a high polished shot. It is supposed to be like the bigfoot video: "Yeah, it could be a guy in a fur suit, but maybe it is big-foot.".
The movie has no budget, but many people liked the concept, so I could get a professional crew (even a 3d-animator) to work on this one just for the fun of it.

The favor I would like to ask is:
Is there any filmmaker who lives in a metropolitan area like New York or Chicago, who would like to get involved in this project?
I would like you to grab a (non-professional) camera and some actors/friends/family members and film a clip of about 30 seconds, capture it as uncompressed DV and transfer it to me via internet (approx. 250mb).

Before you do, please write me an e-mail, so we can talk about what the clip has to be like (what the fx-guys need etc.)
Your help would be very welcome. I am also looking for filmmakers in other countries like: Canada (the snowy part ;) ), Japan, Australia, etc., so if you know anyone... please help me out.

I am very much looking forward to this international project and hope we can make the best out of it.
Also I am glad to have found this board, because I was looking for something like this for some time now.

Please excuse my grammar and spelling errors. I am no native english speaker and I am too lazy to look all those words up. ;)

Thank you very much,
Orange County, California

Sounds like quite the task, collecting from over the world.
I can send footage from anywhere in Montana. It gets cold and wintery here (just below Canada) so I can maybe help in that way.
Wow...thank you all very much! I did not expect so many positive answers (also not in this short time)!

I will be working on the story a little more and will meet some actors tomorrow, and if you want I can keep you all informed on this...
...until I shout "action"! :)

thanks again,
Would anything on Super-8 film be handy, btw?

Give that amateur-look while looking older, when Super-8 was used by people for recording family holidays and events... before people owned camcorders.
Alright... I am making some progress not only in the story, but also in the Team. I would like to discuss further action via e-mail/mailing List, if that's okay for all of you? To do that, I would be glad if you could send me an e-mail wich I can reply to then (shaw, scooter...). I have Steve's Mail already. My adress is "rain_king [at]"

I am very thankfull, that you offer me your help on this one.

Hope to hear of you soon,
Near Cincinnati here, i can send footage from cincinnati (i'd ahve to drive...but i can) or smaller cities in the suburbs.. Ill email you too once i get back from school.
Hey that sounds interesting. I'm in Northridge (northern ridge of the LA madness) and could probably get some stuff. I'll email you later though. . .
So there I was, poking around the internet... when I found the following.

Now, it's not directly related to Mr Rain_King's movie, but it does talk about the supernatural being recorded onto various media formats that we all have access to. Film, audio tape, video tape, etc.

From there there was a link to a trailer, which can be viewed (broadband size) here :cool:

Anyways... I'm liking the idea of Mr Rain_King's flick more and more.

I'm sending you an email now, but I thought I'd post here too... I'm in Minnesota, in a suburb of the Twin Cities.. so I can get you footage from St. Paul, Minneapolis, anywhere around here.. Mall of America if you'd like ;) Maybe something at the theme park in the mall.

Let me know what you want/need I can get you plenty of stuff. Also, if need be I could mail it to you on DVD.
I have to do some work, so I am not in town for weeks now...

I'm sorry for the delay, but I will keep you all informed!

Thanks again!
Historic Philadelphia, PA, USA here. How about I try and get someone to die and collapse into the Liberty Bell? "DONG!" The bell tolls for thee...

(you guys can use the profits from the movie to bail me out of jail)

But seriously, sounds like fun. Keep me updated, please!