I was excited to see the Jurassic World trailer. But...come on. Did they really need to make some genetically engineered/invented dinosaur the main monster? I realize that all of the Jurassic Park dinosaurs are genetically engineered...their DNA being mixed with frog DNA, or whatever. But with all the real, wild and crazy dinosaurs that they could have picked from? Or with other, more interesting plotlines. Not assuming that. But that's what the trailer implies. Disappointed already.
I'm still disappointed that they dropped the Terminator 4 storline. That was an awesome film, and should have been continued. But, I admit that Terminator Genisys looks like it might be entertaining. Time will tell.
Always been a Mad Max fanboy. This sounds a bit silly. But hopefully it'll be cool.
I don't know. Will this be good?
Saw this trailer before Wild today. Looks nice.