Frustrated with the indie film scene

No apology needed. I was just curious why you plugged a trailer that you uploaded on every post. When you said you heard about this film I was under the impression it was something you had heard about through internet buzz and not something your friend made.

It's great to be excited about your friends movie.

Having a movie that won't sell is something that most of us have encountered, either first person or through friends. I personally just decided to self-distribute a feature that I had co-produced, because the producers were getting bummed about the lack of interest. It is a no-budget experimental that - of course - no distributor wanted to put out. Why? Because it won't make them money.

Here's the intriguing thing: it will make ME money, and it'll get out there as well, but it won't be easy, and I don't "know" anyone. I'm going to post my plan on the site in a few minutes. It'll be called "A Self-Distribution Plan"

Hope it helps!
