Friendly Film?

So I have a couple friends that I would like to invite over to make a movie (5 including me) which I think if I invited more that would just be too much. Is it okay to just write a script and have a camera and tripod and just make a film. Also do I need permission to film at my local park down the street?
It's okay to to just write a script and have a camera and tripod
and just make a film. I think all of us started that way. I know
I did.

In most places you don't need permission to film in a public park.
Go for it. Be respectful of the park and other people around and if
someone tell you you can't make a movie there, apologize respectfully
and leave right away. Then find out what it would take to get permission
next time.

But I don't think it will come to that.
If you don't have a huge camera crew, with someone booming a mic and someone setting up huge light kits on the playground when a 4 year old is trying to slide down the fire pole for the first time, that might be overboard ;). But if you and your friends are out their with a consumer camera and a tripod, it shouldn't cause to much distraction and attention. Now, if you go out there with a couple of RED One's and Scarlets with a dolly and Merlin stabilizer, people might get suspicious.... :D

Just saying, not that you have all that stuff... just throwing it out there.