Zensteve Mar 1, 2012 #61 I'm still as obnoxious/useless as ever: http://twitter.com/SteveActs Recently cleaned house, too.
T theindiemind Jun 6, 2012 #62 Indie Mind TV: http://twitter.com/indiemindtv Daniel: http://twitter.com/theindiemind
welsh_gambit Jun 24, 2012 #63 Hi guys, to save starting a few thread to promote myself. Here's the twitter and FB for my sitcom (which is creeping very slowely into production) https://twitter.com/#!/studentuniontv http://www.facebook.com/studenduniontales
Hi guys, to save starting a few thread to promote myself. Here's the twitter and FB for my sitcom (which is creeping very slowely into production) https://twitter.com/#!/studentuniontv http://www.facebook.com/studenduniontales
Cracker Funk Aug 20, 2012 #67 I'm still not tweeting, but I know a dude who is, and you should follow him.
MileCreations Nov 2, 2012 #68 How did I not already see that IndieTalk had Twitter! https://mobile.twitter.com/milecreations
ypetkov Nov 3, 2012 #69 https://twitter.com/TheSunSaid - a legendary indie film in the making (: www.thesunsaid.com
Bigtymedirector Jan 1, 2013 #71 Of course I'm following. I love IndieTalk.com @BoykinsENT and @BigTymeDirector
Graeme Jan 16, 2013 #73 I tweet from Ottawa Ontario, hayphoto_ca and if you happen to live in the valley, give me a shout!
J JamieH Feb 2, 2013 #74 https://twitter.com/Jamielfc I followed most of you that are still active on there a few days ago.
ShockingMind Feb 5, 2013 #75 I'm @SHOCKINGMIND I tweet about things I like and things that piss me off...so I'm pretty unique in the twittersphere!!! :/
I'm @SHOCKINGMIND I tweet about things I like and things that piss me off...so I'm pretty unique in the twittersphere!!! :/
8salacious9 Feb 5, 2013 #76 @seishinmovie follow me i follow back, also you get to see some pics and maybe vids of the film as we progress....
@seishinmovie follow me i follow back, also you get to see some pics and maybe vids of the film as we progress....
CS Production Studios Jun 26, 2013 #78 Swing by and check out my twitter as well! Don't be afraid to ask for a SO, i'm good with those lol. http://www.twitter.com/DNelsonCEO
Swing by and check out my twitter as well! Don't be afraid to ask for a SO, i'm good with those lol. http://www.twitter.com/DNelsonCEO