First film- some concerns

Hello all,

I am working on my first film project, and I need some help with a few things. I am working on a script now. I have my cast and crew signed on, locations locked in, shot list, storyboard, even props and costumes done. I was going to borrow some equipment from my university, but, long story short, that fell through. SO... I need equipment, a couple cameras, sound equipment, lighting. My challenge is that I need to spend as little as possible, but still create something that's... well... not crap. I don't know anybody who owns any of these things, and my local PBS station isn't well-known for their generosity in loaning their things.

My second challenge is that my main location- the family barn- has no electricity. It doesn't even have the capacity to be hardwired. So how do I power everything? There are no friendly neighbors nearby from whom I could "borrow" power from. I have access to a generator, but the thing is so loud that it drowns out normal conversation.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Practical suggestions:
Local Community Access (think WanesWorld) stations are more apt to have loaner equipment, not PBS.

Get an electrician to wire you up a portable remote panel for your generator. You should be able to run 220V to the panel via one very big cable, and then split that out to properly ground 110v circuits close to the set. Also, record a good 10 seconds of the "ambient" noise for each take, sound guys can use this sample to de-noise your audio. "Quiet on the set! Sound! <count to ten> Action!"

Now, onto the philosophical..

"not crap" has more to with your time, organization, resources and talent! Besides that, its a subjective term anyway! Its not a useful bar to measure to!

Aim high! Go for "The BEST MOVIE EVER!" Eventually you will smash up against the barrier of comprimise and mediocrity and end up with something more like "as good of movie I can make for the time\organization\resources\talent I have"

Of course your "chock full of talented goodness", so your covered there, but its sounds like your running into organization and resource issues :)

Organizational issues are just something you have to learn. They apply to everything in life, so good skill in that area will pay off big time!

Resource issues are easier to deal with, they pretty much are hard facts and you cant get around them!
No camera = No movie. Nada, zilch nothin!
There is only one answer. Get a camera. Now, do you need to "buy" or rent depends on other resource facts like money!

Sit down and list the resource you have access to.
Sit down and list the resource you think you will want.

Now, rank each item you want as "must have" or "nice to have"
For example, a "camera" is a "must have" but an pro level HD camera might be a "nice to have"
You get the idea...

Now, for every item on the two lists that match, your done! Your resources and your wants have lined up at least for those items.

For the wants NOT on the resources list, you will put a big X through all the items ranked as "nice to have"
.... now you apply all your other talents and resources in procuring the MUST HAVE items that you don't yet have! This way, you don't waste your time looking for a 35mm adapter rental and can focus on what you absolutely cant do without.

Hey, I'm really hoping Avatar is awesome. I think Cameron is great, I think Weta is amazing, and I think this is all cutting edge stuff...

I'm sure it's no Shawshank Redemption...but I'm really hoping it will be enjoyable.

I'm also really looking forward to the video game, which is supposed to be directly tied to the movie.
Cameras? I'd aim for 1 for now...

Generator? Run in far from the barn, get stingers (electrical extention cables), put it behind a tree or down a hill to try and muzzle the sound.

The hard truth is, your first film will most likely turn out poor. And thats just because your new to it. Do what you can, and learn from the hardship and mistakes.
...but back to the OP...

I need equipment, a couple cameras, sound equipment, lighting.

It really sounds like you have nothing right now, aside from a script and some volunteers.

That's not the end of the world.

Use forum-search and look up "home depot lighting". You'll find many lo-cost solutions for your lighting needs, many of which will not draw a lot of power. (That will be important, if your sole source of power is a generator).

Foam-core board (from your local craft store) only cost a few bucks each, and work really well for bouncing light.

Consider using practicals for lighting. For example, if it's night in your barn illuminate with lanterns if that's appropriate. (Obviously be aware of potential fire hazards, too)

All generators make noise; even the "real film" ones. It gets placed as far away as possible, hopefully with a few walls or solids in the way. It then gets baffled as best you can; a 3-sided shield made from blankets & stands works well. (Can't totally enclose it on 4 sides, as it needs exhaust room)


The bit which I don't get is that you need "a couple of cameras" :hmm:

You need one. That's it.


Virtually every problem you have is doable with a DIY solution and some creativity.

The only real problem is lack of camera... and for that, you'll either have to beg, borrow or buy one. Chances are pretty good you actually know someone who has something. If that something is not suitable/adequate, then keep at it.

Good luck with it :cool:

I am working on a script now.

just out of curiosity. how can you have everything else confirmed and organized(apart of course from your equipment), without having a script?

i mean you've got actors, locations, storyboards even costumes!

i am yet to take your step and actually make a genuine movie. but i feel that when i do, it will be because I've written a script that i truly believe is worth filming. then will come all the preparation and organizing of the impressive list you have.
Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions and comments!

Wheatgrinder- Money is my big hurdle, so I will be borrowing as much equipment as I can. I will look into a a Local Community Access channel. I'm really not sure if there is one nearby, as a bunch were shut down a few years ago. ( I asked around and found out that one of my friends is an electrician. Even better, this friend owes me and I can guilt-trip him if necessary. Mwa-ha-ha. I'll ask him about this. As for the "must have/nice to have" list and ambient noise- I'll do those. Also, when I said "not crap," (too general?) I know I have great talent, a very good crew, and a great script... I was really referring to production quality.

CDCosta- Alrighty, one camera. Although I would like to have access to two, just in case. I'll also passing along your suggestion for the electricity. I do realize that my first film probably won't be up to my standards, I just have a specific film that I'm trying to out-do, quality-wise. (It won't be hard... don't ask, it's a really bad movie! lol)

Zensteve-Foam board... I'll sniff around for that. And your suggestion for practical lighting actually gave me an idea... perhaps I could use my car's high beams somehow. I'll experiment.

Ashrey- "Working on" was a poor choice of words. Sorry about that. "Tweaking" is a better choice. I've got it 95% done, there's just a couple of scenes where the dialogue needs to be messed with because it doesn't quite sound right. But the story is sweet, and it has a good message... something I believe is necessary to a truly great film.

Once again, thanks, everybody. Your comments have helped jump-start my brain, which, I admit, is a little bit dead after last week's final exams.;):lol:
Ashrey- "Working on" was a poor choice of words. Sorry about that. "Tweaking" is a better choice. I've got it 95% done, there's just a couple of scenes where the dialogue needs to be messed with because it doesn't quite sound right. But the story is sweet, and it has a good message... something I believe is necessary to a truly great film.

good for you man! ;)

gives me hope
On the script, write, rewrite, rewrite, and when you think it's perfect, rewrite again :) Mainly if you are aiming for big.
What about crew? Do you have a crew with experience in camera, sound, and lighting? Have you tried to shoot just a scene to find out how it works out? Seen short films going down the drain because of a mess between the crew and the director.

Sometimes you have an amazing location, but then there are limitations like: how do I bring the crew there? or how do we put that fan there... imagination, that's the only option to overcome limitations. If you read and watch a lot of B movies, low budget, they will show you how they managed to get a Vietnam bunker out of a garage.

I agree with CDcosta, unfortunately the first film doesn't turn out to be as great as we thought. All the first film directors have film a lot of other stuff that they never showed before they actually film their first feature movie. Many they just don't say :-)