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first Album released

Hey guys,

on monday i released my first album with 34mins of classical music for Piano, Pianotrio and Chamber Orchestra on NSA-Records.

The Album has a cost of $10 + $4 shipping, more infos and demostracks (Downloads) on:
www.nsa-records.de (only german sorry till the new site goes online)


1. Nocturne
2. Träumere (Dreamings)
3. Liebestraum (Lovedream)
4. Bilder und Worte (Pictures and Words)
5. Schlechte Träume (Bad Dreams)
6. Auf der Straße (on the Road)
7. Verstehen (Understanding)
8. Der Zeichner (The Painter)
9. Adagio sostenuto (from the Moonlightsonata of Beethoven)
10. Fantasie in g-moll

ordes can made on the website under the shop or via e-mail to:


We accept Moneyorder, Paypal (+$4) and check,

I don't speak German... or read it, either. But I did notice "The Curse of the Invisible Man" and "Of Consequence" mentioned on the site.
I did notice "The Curse of the Invisible Man" and "Of Consequence" mentioned on the site.

...both of which are superb films, I might add.

Florian is an excellent composer. :cool:

Sell lots of CDs, good Linckus!