archived-videos FINGER: New short horror movie

Hello everyone! I am with a new movie production team called Bophe, and we have posted our first completed project online. It is a short horror movie called "Finger." Please check it out and post your feedback. (WARNING: it is horror, so there is blood...). Here are the links:

Finger - The Movie (.wmv - 50 MB Download - 320x240 res.)
Finger - The Movie (.wmv - 161 MB Download - 640x480 res.)

NOTE: the original music throughout this movie is best enjoyed through speakers (or headphones) with a good bass response.

Want to check the trailer first?
Finger Trailer (.wmv - 50 sec.)

You can also check out our website at:


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Jeesh from reading these reviews I wasn't sure I wanted to view this. LOL Not enough gore to make me wince. I was okay wiht it. ;)

Not enough grimacing while cutting the finger off. OMG that had to hurt or else you need to forshadow his previous numbing of that digit. I liked the girl on girl suprise. I wasn't sure if they were planning another murder with the IM-ing or if that was what was to come because the scenes with dinner and the girl on girl stuff could have been dream or flashback I wasn't sure.

I have to agree with the tighter editing suggestions. ;)

The music didn't bother me much. I was aware of it but maybe because I'd read this thread first.

Good stuff, thanks for sharing!
I liked how he didn't wince. It made him seem like a total pyscho. The best part of this movie is how well the lead actor carries the slow pace with such power. He's really quite fantastic.

I showed this movie to my girlfriend and she was like "oh my!". I love this movie. Did you ever send this out to festivals, Bophe?

There's that horror festival thread maddogmike had going which has some awesome links to horror fests.
Boz -- thanks for watching and for the review. I'm glad you got some enjoyment out of it!

Spatula -- we have not submitted to many festivals. I prefer to pour available money into our new projects. We did submit to (and get accepted by) a small horror/sci-fi/ gaming film festival that is part of the larger "Uber Con" gaming convention in New Jersey. We also submitted to the Italian NO WORDS festival, but they have not yet announced their selections for this year. I am aware of Mad Dog Mike's database and will keep checking it from time to time. Perhaps we will find some other opportunities!

Also, thanks for the strong compliment for our lead actor. I passed your remark to him.

Interesting, Twisted but interesting. Overall, I didn’t get it. He cut off his digit with a dull knife, and the plot made it seem like this was not the first time, yet he had no scars on his hand. Then he wacks off her digit with a hatchet, and she has scars. What does this have to do with beating the date to death?

I thought it was odd at 4:22 when the music ended and the scene played. I felt a better music edit is needed here. However the rest of the music editing was fine. Maybe I was expecting the scene to end when the music did.

I dug the Paul Allen hit. It was a hit right?
Vince, thanks for the review. We really appreciate people who take the time to watch our movie and share an opinion. I understand what you mean about certain things not making logical sense, but that is the way we intended it to be...illogical. We were going for something really "out there and surreal." This story does not necessarily take place in our realm of existence. After all -- he just sticks his finger back on and it crazy is that!?!

And yes, it was a hit at Paul Allen. Actually, it was a double-reference as Paul Allen is also a character in American Psycho.

Thanks again, and welcome to IndieTalk.

PS--I said it in the other post you started, but I saw the Kisses and Caroms trailer and really enjoyed it! I wish you great success with it!
Just wanted to share some interesting news -- well, interesting for me anyway. Ever since we put Finger online back in 2004 (yep, that long ago), we've been steadily averaging about 2 movie views per day from our website. We figured it was mostly our friend and fellow Bopher Paul. Then something happened in September of this year -- the average daily movie hits jumped from 2 to about 30! Unfortunately, my web host can't seem to identify a referral source to account for this jump, so I can only guess as to where the hits are coming from.
I'll have to pass. I have a hard time watching gore horror-- it took me about 20 years to get around to watching a Freddy Kruger movie a few weeks ago (trippy seeing Johnny Depp as a 16 year old in an 80s horror flick!), I can't watch stuff like The Hills Have Eyes, etc. But I like the fact that you posted a link to download it. I might watch the trailer later, that is about the most I could handle. I am more into supernatural horror.
Hey Congratulations - I remember the short - pretty neat stuff and realistic all though I could not watch the whole stiching it back on. Hopefully it works out for you!!