archived-videos FINGER: New short horror movie

Hello everyone! I am with a new movie production team called Bophe, and we have posted our first completed project online. It is a short horror movie called "Finger." Please check it out and post your feedback. (WARNING: it is horror, so there is blood...). Here are the links:

Finger - The Movie (.wmv - 50 MB Download - 320x240 res.)
Finger - The Movie (.wmv - 161 MB Download - 640x480 res.)

NOTE: the original music throughout this movie is best enjoyed through speakers (or headphones) with a good bass response.

Want to check the trailer first?
Finger Trailer (.wmv - 50 sec.)

You can also check out our website at:


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hahaah nice short.

I felt slightly bored(dont take this too seriously) in that it sort of dragged on.

I liked the graphic-ness of it, and the sick demented almost sado masichism of it.

You guys should do something with a little more plot/story, could turn out really really well :)
mmm bad.

John@Bophe said:
Hello everyone! I am with a new movie production team called Bophe, and we have posted our first completed project online. It is a short horror movie called "Finger." Please check it out and post your feedback. (WARNING: it is horror, so there is blood...). Here are the links:

Finger - The Movie (.wmv - 50 MB Download - 320x240 res.)
Finger - The Movie (.wmv - 161 MB Download - 640x480 res.)

NOTE: the original music throughout this movie is best enjoyed through speakers (or headphones) with a good bass response.

Want to check the trailer first?
Finger Trailer (.wmv - 50 sec.)

You can also check out our website at:



well i don't know. not my kind of flick. i didn't really feel like there was much of a story. seemed almost like you were just trying to gross people out. it went on for quite a long time too. maybe if it was shorter and more of a storyline. cut this puppy down to size. :weird:

TheThing said:
seemed almost like you were just trying to gross people out.


And that's..............bad?

Seriously though, to Rizien and The Thing--thanks for checking out the movie! We knew when we started the project that it wouldn't be for everyone's taste. So I can at least say 'thanks' to you both for taking the time to download it, watch it, and for giving us your honest opinion.
I hate being negative, but I hate being dishonest even more. I didn't like it. I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Not because it was disturbing or scary, but because it was boooring. Sorry. That's my personal opinion. Others liked it, so don't feel bad. I am just one person with a certain taste.

I'm of the school of thought that something interesting should always be happening. The audience should be curious, interested, etc. I just got bored and stopped caring about what was going to happen. I'm not saying every film needs to be fast, music video style, or have lots of cuts...but make the audience want to see what's happening somehow. I just saw some dude making a picture book, heard wierd music that wasn't creepy just annoying, and then saw a bloody girl. I stopped watching after that because I just didn't like it. Sorry. Take my negatives and other people's positives to heart. Just my personal taste.
I always keep a hot sauderer lying around to cauterize my wounds, doesn't everybody?

I thought it was all going great until the girlfriend entered into the picture, could be sped up a bit and tighter.

My issues are always with the lighting, I would have liked to see more of the room he was in. It seems for each shot you only used one light or a bunch of normal household lamps. I'd recommend getting a high powered lighting equipment to open up your picture more and make it more attractive to look at. Also there were some quick pans of the guy that seemed a bit too quick.

Oh, and the music got really annoying after about 3 minutes, especially when you cut to the "gripping" shots. I hate it when directors/composers try to cue our emotions with a burst of synthesized sounds trying to make us jump, it never makes me jump and just makes the film cheesy. Remember the sound is 50% of your movie.

I thought it would have been even more eery if you had nice sweet happy go lucky music playing over the dementia that was being shown on the screen. Also, the latex or whatever material you used on the finger is revealed during the stitching scene.

More dialogue or monologue would have been great too. It was kinda weird when the guy and his girlfriend were just pointing at the hammer and his finger and not saying a word. (refer to the sound being 50% thing)

Good first effort though :) Keep it up!
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loyfilms said:
My issues are always with the lighting, I would have liked to see more of the room he was in.

It seems to me that the lighting was deliberate, like they wanted to keep the focus on him and what he was doing, and make you wonder about the surroundings. It's dark and creepy, kind of matching the creepy guy we're watching.

loyfilms said:
Oh, and the music ... I hate it when ... it never makes me jump ... Remember the sound is 50% of your movie.

My impression is that the music worked well in conveying the darkness inside this guys mind. After all, he's making a scrapbook of horror! LOL This guy is seriously twisted. My wife scrabooks. She does sweet things, family things, happy memories. This nut is into scrapbooking, which is a light, upbeat activitiy, but his brain is as dark as the bowels of Hell. To me, the music contrasted nicely.

loyfilms said:
I always keep a hot sauderer lying around to cauterize my wounds, doesn't everybody?

My wife has used a soldering iron in her scrapbooking (writing with it, or dripping solder). She has also burned edges of photos with a lighter, and dripped wax from a candle. It's all about the effect. Maybe not "normal", but certainly not out of the question. It is a little odd, but I think that it's consistent with someone who needs more medication.

loyfilms said:
Also, the latex or whatever material you used on the finger is revealed during the stitching scene.

I thought his finger was just swollen and glossy because the skin was tight, but after watching the sewing scene a bunch of times, I guess it is a bit shiny. I do love how the skin pulls when he's sewing it, though. Like when I sew the dressing up inside the turkey, or the fillin in a pig stomach.

loyfilms said:
More dialogue or monologue would have been great too. It was kinda weird when the guy and his girlfriend were just pointing at the hammer and his finger and not saying a word.

Again, I thought it was neat, as opposed to annoying, how there wasn't any verbal activity in the movie. It added to the oddness of the entire production. I also liked the occasional sound of the activity: the candle clicking together, the click of the paper punch.

I came away with a ton of questions: How big was the room? Who else was there? Was the dead girl still in the shadows? Is she even dead? Why did she smile when his girfriend showed up? As precise and anal as this guy appears to be, how did he run out of glue? Paul Allen IV? ROFL Daddy'sAngel269? Does that mean that there's a sequel?

The quick flashbacks were a little too quick for me, but that's what rewind and pause are for. I didn't realize it was a cutting board that he was licking at first: I wasn't sure what he was doing. Creepy. Gross. Very cool.

I watched the cutting scene a bunch of times. You did that first part in one shot. It really looks like that knife cut his skin, and later is partway into his finger. Again: Creepy. Gross. Very cool.

Between the violence of her attack on the date, and that orgasmic moan at the end, when he apparently chops off one of her fingers, all I can say is that his girlfriend is an S&M FREAK!

So, Loy doesn't like dark and creepy, but I LOVE DARK AND CREEPY. And unanswered questions. And Sick Freaks. The only thing that I wish there had been more of is of the date, when the girl was tortured. She seemed to enjoy it. That's creepy too.

... and that smile of his.

When's the next film?

Hey, I love dark and creepy too. I think this just wasn't dark and creepy enough for me on some levels.

To me it's just one of those films where at the end I go "Eh, it was alright". There definitely is some promise, I look forward to the next film.


Based on your comments above, I would say that you definitely "get" the concept we tried to convey. Your assessments of the lighting, music, and dialogue (or lack thereof) are dead-on with what we intended. Thanks for watching it, and for your comments.
Mr Bugman Jackson

I just watched FINgER for the five-hundred and ninety-nineth time! Just kidding. I have to say, FINgER is one heckuva short! The things I love about it are the very things I usually wouldn't want to do in a movie, because normally, people can't pull it off. I love the moody music that goes with it. Normally, I'd be against so much music, but it worked here very, very well. Film guys 'n gals will tell you that it's not good, or use other meaner words to say that music shouldn't dictate how the person feels while watching the movie. I say, NO! There's a time and place for everything, and in this case, it found it's place in FINgER! I have to say this also, I'm impressed with the lighting. I think it really added something special, and looked pretty sharp! Some people who shoot on Digi-cams still get a horrible grainy effect in the picture with low-light, but you guys planned this out better than most would think to! Good job guys! I look forward to CLOSET!!! Until then, I'm going to go cut off some fingers and paint with them. Not MY fingers of course, but fingers.. we'll say... fingers of those who GET IN THE WAY.
I liked it - although I am a tad squeamish. But for no dialogue it conveys the story well and you get what its about. Also I liked how you flashed quickly to the dead woman near the begining of the film. I mean I had an idea where this was going but I thought it worked well.

The fx on the finger were great - i could not watch that part.

I know some people at work that will enjoy for sure and I will pass this site on.
naverdolquin said:
I liked it - although I am a tad squeamish. But for no dialogue it conveys the story well... I know some people at work that will enjoy for sure and I will pass this site on.

Thank you very much for the review and thanks for passing the site along to others! Take care.
Bophe Interviewed at

Hi everyone,

In case you are interested, an interview with Bophe (Charles & I) has been published at

Click on the "Interviews" link and we are listed at the bottom of the list. Thanks again to everyone who watched our movie!
When I see films like this I have to wonder if there are weirdos out in the real world like the guy in the film. And you know what there probably is. That's creepy and unsettling and so is this film.

It feels a little long but sometimes I can forgive that especially in this case because I feel the filmmakers want to put me inside this wackos world. A little slow but he was scrapbooking for crying out loud. It's totally twisted that he's a scrapbooking queen. :D

I was grossed out from the finger scene but I kept on watching because I wanted to see where the character was going with it. I got 16 stitches in my finger from an accident (not scrapbooking). :lol: And I can tell you the skin does get all shiny after it is all swollen and the doctor has cleaned it up for stitching. The effects were great.

I liked the addition of the girlfriend. He's subtle, she's crazy, but they're both equally twisted.

It creeped me out so I would say overall great job.

Rick & Cyborg--Thanks for checking out the movie and for giving your response! I thought our post was 'dead' by now--since it had dropped to page 3, so thanks for digging back into the archives and giving us a chance. All of the reviews (good and bad) have been encouraging and/or educational.

And to FatCyborg--"THUMB" ...has a nice ring to it! Maybe we will try that after "TOE".

You're welcome. I went back to the last page of the screening room and watched all the films I could working my way back to the front. Some links were broken along the way. I think I missed some films when I was watching on my mac because I don't have wmplayer on it. I have a pc and when I was watching on that I was ok.

I left a reply on the films that got me to respond, most didn't but I tried to watch them all just to be fair before I post links to my films for the chopping block. Your film was twisted and done well so I had to respond.

Again great job.

ok...first off, you have issues...second, great job!

how did you do the finger parts. I would assume the pinky was tucked down and a prosthetic was in place, notched blades etc...well done.

however, when getting sewn back on, there would be no mobility (yes, I was able to think about things like that after watching it...but freaky nonetheless). I wouldn't have noticed so much if he hadn't moved the joint while sewing it on. I probably would've missed it later after it was put back on...

seek counselling, then put out another one.

first off, thanks for watching our movie...second, thanks for the review!

I got a chuckle from your comment about that he had mobility in his finger when sewing it back if that was the only thing that didn't make sense. :D

We were going for a surreal mood throughout the movie...perhaps taking some influence from David Lynch. It never was meant to be logical. That's why it was so much fun!

But seriously, we (@ Bophe) really do appreciate your feedback and support! Thanks again!

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That was the only thing i noticed that stood out as a "not possible" moment. I always let myself get taken into the reality of whatever the world is I'm shown. If he had held his finger still while sewing it and then moved it right after, I probably wouldn't have noticed. That was the only part I noticed that seemed "wrong" for that world.

Besides, I hang out with people like that, so it's not that much of a stretch...;)

Still want to know if I was right about the finger fx.