Finding a furnished house to film in

Hi guys,

I just had a quick question I wonder the producers on here could help answer. I am going to be shooting a pilot episode for a webseries in the next year and am looking for a house to shoot in. No one I know has any decent looking houses and I am stumped as to where I could begin looking.

I tried my local film office, but their suggestion was to simply knock on doors and see if they would be willing to let us film in there.

While that approach seems reasonable, I wonder if there are other resources out there that I am missing? Anyone go through a similar experience?

Any help is appreciated!
Depending on your location, you might try vacation rentals. You might be able to strike some kind of deal with the owner if you shoot during a slow season or when they're not booked.
How long do you need the house to shoot for?
This is a big question as shooting in other peoples homes is a big inconvenience, they can't simply watch TV in the next room. They've got to be quiet.

It sounds like the houses your friends have aren't "nice" enough?
You'll probably have less luck going door to door for something like this at the nicer houses.
When we were looking for a backyard to shoot in, my location manager actually DID go door-to-door in the neighborhood where we wanted to do it, and managed to find someone who was willing. We did have insurance though - that's usually important.

As Sfoster pointed out, it's a big inconvenience to shoot in someone's house - my parents have let me shoot in their house several times, but I learned quickly (the hard way) that I need to arrange for them NOT to be home at the time.
I've shot in a model home in a new subdivision. It was perfect. They closed at 6pm and opened at 11am. We didn’t have to worry about removing personal pictures off the walls. Or even seasonal decorations.
Most state and local film commissions have a listing of properties for rent, and Google-ing "film location rentals" will give you a gazillion hits to scan through. But knocking on doors works a surprising number of times. EVERYONE wants to be in movies, even homes!
Hey Sfoster - sorry for the late response I've been swamped this month. Thanks for your suggestions - we need the house for probably 2 - 3 days of shooting.

You're right the houses aren't nice enough and will be too small (aka Rowhomes, I need suburban houses).

I tried the MD film office, but they were not much help. They basically had a bunch of cool houses that looked great, but when I inquired as to whether they were available to rent, they simply said we have no idea. You will need to go and knock on their door and find out. Which is a bit odd considering the photo of the house is on the site..

But alas I will take your suggestions and put them to use! Does anyone have a good website that they use to find homes? I was also thinking of Airbnb, but the price is a bit steep and also we are not planning on filming for another year at least.
I tried the MD film office, but they were not much help. They basically had a bunch of cool houses that looked great, but when I inquired as to whether they were available to rent, they simply said we have no idea.
That's correct. The film office is not the location or rental entity. People
put their homes on the site and a contact number (I just looked). You
contact that number and speak to the owner.

If you want to pay a location company to do the work of contacting the
owners and negotiating rates that is an option. Since you are a year away
from needing a location my advice it to contact a location scout/manager
to get an idea of what the rates are.
What a bunch of terrible advice (minus BruceDowns). Also sounds exhausting and expensive too..You all fail before you begin, pity.

This is what you need to know and I'm surprised no one has yet told you the secret of securing locations.

(clears throat).

Actors. You make the cast come up with the locations, especially houses- which are super easy. Where do you think they all live? Not all the talent lives in apartments and vans- that's right - some of them live in actual, big juicy houses and they're furnished too - with lawns! Their parents probably own them -but that's cool too because their parents probably have a dry cleaning business you can shoot at too. Do you see what's going on here? Make your film using resources immediately available to you. Because you're stupid, poor and nobody likes you.

Don't be a paint-by-the-numbers filmmaker, you'll never make anything of beauty.

Do what you have to do, make it happen. BTW, those apartments and vans are now locations too..

You're welcome!
Actors. You make the cast come up with the locations, especially houses- which are super easy.
Excellent advice. I have often used the homes of actors in my movies.
However, Firm1 said;
No one I know has any decent looking houses
That's why I offered what you call terrible advice – contact the owners
of houses that are right for the needs of the movie. It seems limiting
and paint-by-the-numbers to make the cast come up with locations.
There are so many wonderful houses out there that are not owned
by actors or their parents. And the actors who are right for the roles
may not always have the location that is best for the movie.

But hell yes; if one of the actors lives in or has access to the right house
then make them come up with the location.
Excellent advice. I have often used the homes of actors in my movies.
However, Firm1 said;

That's why I offered what you call terrible advice – contact the owners
of houses that are right for the needs of the movie. It seems limiting
and paint-by-the-numbers to make the cast come up with locations.
There are so many wonderful houses out there that are not owned
by actors or their parents. And the actors who are right for the roles
may not always have the location that is best for the movie.

But hell yes; if one of the actors lives in or has access to the right house
then make them come up with the location.

You sure can walk up to people and ask to open up their home for your production, for some people that'll be a real options or people will just probably think it's a scam, or you're casing the home for a burglary- anything awful someone could imagine is going to come up. If they agree expect to be charge a hefty sum for shooting there. I'm not a fan of the cold call. I believe you're better off perpetually casting your film, not only can it be free/low cost but you can get some better talent- which I think we all want- and leverage roles with location requests. Building relationships on relationships.
One day of shooting is reasonable, but 3 days is a pretty big inconvenience if they're not part of the production.
What is your budget to pay for a location?

Have you thought about using the outside of a house for an establishing shot and then the inside somewhere else of one of the row homes ?

whats wrong with this idea?
that is what i'm going to do for my web series..

I'm going to use one house to be 3 different houses.. and then use outsides of other peoples which are much easier to get ahold of
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The advice isn't terrible - I think all of it is solid. Sfoster, yes I think we can certainty film the exteriors at a separate area, but interiors in a row home simply won't cut it I'm afraid.

Using the actors is an interesting idea. Once I am ready to cast I will consider this option for sure.

Seems like I will just need to grow a pair and go cold calling. I have a few ideas for houses so I can start there.

Thanks for the advice everyone!
How is the search going?
You threw me for a bit of a loop with needing 3 days to film.

My original post last month was to see if I could help you out or not. 3 days is too much for the living room at my parents house but I could swing it if you want to use the basement or the attic.

Gambrills, Maryland



t2i 24mm





T2i 24mm


I need someone to film behind the scenes stuff on two days this summer.

And I need extras to put on masks and chase me at night on a weekend. If you could help out with these things for me, I'll help out in turn with the location. I can do crew work at the location for you too.
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I've found places through AirBnB in the past. It works out quite well. You just put in your request that you're filming there, and most people get quite excited at the prospect. It's not a terribly expensive route, the place comes furnished, and you can search by particular criteria, like indoor fireplaces or pools and stuff.

It's everywhere on the globe and it's never failed me in the past. But then again, if you're looking for a freebie, asking people doesn't hurt either. A lot of restaurants and stuff I've filmed in will do it for credit in the film, with an invitation to a screening.
