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Just got confirmation on the theater for our premire. That only took about 4 months. Geez.

We'll be showing Whitewashed at The Lakewood Theatre here in Dallas on September 10th, 2005.

Now, does anyone know about 700 people who would want to come see a free movie? :rolleyes:

This is a historic old theatre, decked out with a balcony and all that seats aprox 700 people. Hopefully we can round up enough butts to fill up the seats. If anyone here is from the area, we would love for you to come on out and keep us company. We totally got hooked up woth this thing, they are letting us use this theatre for no cost, thanks to a few connections that panned out for us.

Wish us luck. It would be quite deflating to have 40 people sitting in a massive theatre such as this. That kinda thing would drive a man to heavy drinking.

Just realized I posted this badboy in the wrong place, if the powers that be would like to relocate this lost child.
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Free use of a 700 seat theater? That's :cool:

Time to start hitting up local news/events forums, and maybe a few ads in the paper.

Better yet, arrange an interview/pr thing with a local paper or two. Get some print and publicity with some local reporters... maybe even finaggle a blurb on your city news station.

Wish I could come... bit of a commute, though. :)
We have a small article in the Dallas Morning News that will be running the last week in August, as well as articles in local pubs like the Dallas Observer and Quick Magazine. We also have a short write up that will be running in the August issue of Indie Slate.

Not to mention themass canvasing we will be doing with our flyers and posters in the weeks leading up to the date.