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Final Draft 7.1

7.1 is an update to 7.0 which had a few bugs. If you decide to buy it, you can't get it anywhere cheaper than IndieTalk. Personally, I like FD a lot.

You may want to ask Clive how he likes 7, I know he uses it. I still use 6.0.
I like it a lot and so far I haven't run into any of the bugs. I'm just about to download 7.1.

I think if you're serious about making a living by writing for film, Final Draft is pretty much the essential tool. Although saying that I used basic Word Processing packages for years.
Final Draft is definately very useful... is it the end all be all of screenwriting programs? Maybe for some people. If you're not sure that it's what you are looking for than use a MSWord macro for a while or something, until you can justify paying for Final Draft.

I will say this though, it has got some nifty features none of the others have. I just printed out a copy of the "Script Statistics" report and my script supervisor said that saved her about half of the initial breakdown work she had to do.
Just a tip for any of you downloading the update. When I tried to go in direct through the site I encountered some "your customer id isn't recognised" problems. All these probelms vanished when I went to site via the "Update" menu in "Help" from FD7.

I've got 7.1 up and running now, I'll let you know how it's performing as soon as I stop posting here as a way of avoiding writing. :hmm:
JBR response to my questions

Thanks you all. Right now I use Apple works 6; but I spend a good half hour setting up the tabs and all that. It works for me, but I've heard good things about final draft. Being the impulsive person I am, though, I want to see what you all think, before I fork out 170.00 dollars, of which is better than paying 300.00 dollars. Being an Indietalk member sure has its bennies.

Thank you. Wish me luck on my script, I've entered it into the Indiefest. "SNOH COUNTY: A Mountain Hillbilly Love Story." It's a roller coaster comedy about my home town; it's an on going series, with obnoxius and disfunctional characters. :weird:
LOL @ clive, I'm in touch with that emotion. ;)

Yeah good luck on the script jbrndee. Honestly though, I only had to set up my word processing template once. Macro'd the rest of the stuff I needed.
If you to the menu when in Final Draft there is an update option that will connect you with the update section. It's worth doing once in a while as Final Draft aren't that good at getting information out to customers about updates.

I only found out myself because of indie. Ta indie.
indietalk said:
Check The Writers Store, enter through the link on the Discount's page for 10% off.

While the Discount page offers a nifty additional discount on all Writer's Store goodies... the direct discount link to FD 7.1 from the same Discount page is even better.

I mean... insanely better. :cool:

I have no idea how it (performance-wise) stacks against the Screenplay link; but at that price I know one friend of mine who'll be getting an early Christmas present.
Carcaridon said:
After using it for the last week, I have to say it's better than FD7 could ever hope to be.

I've been a Final Draft user since 1998. On a whim, before upgrading to version 7, I did try Screenwriter and just didn't care for the layout or all the extra bells and whistles.

I don't want to start a Final Draft vs. Screenwriter as it's a no win conversation (i.e. PC vs. Mac). My suggestion would be to download demos of both software and see which you like best.
Thunderclap said:
I've been a Final Draft user since 1998. On a whim, before upgrading to version 7, I did try Screenwriter and just didn't care for the layout or all the extra bells and whistles.

I don't want to start a Final Draft vs. Screenwriter as it's a no win conversation (i.e. PC vs. Mac). My suggestion would be to download demos of both software and see which you like best.

I agree. Everyone is going to like something different. Just FYI, I picked up Movie Magic Screenwriter at amazon for $169 and it came with the screewriter's bible. You can get it from there for $159 without the book.

Good luck on whichever you go with. The most important thing is not the software, but the creativity you unleash.