Field Monitor Question... need help

So I have this old "nexx tech" portable DVD player. I had the idea to use it as a field monitor. It has an s-video output, headphone out put, and an audio/video AV cable output, except these two inputs are strange and normal AV cables do not fit into them like they would in anything else. The cable just goes in loosely and falls out. Don't get this.

Anywho- I was trying to figure out a way to rig this up to use it as a field monitor for a Canon 60D- if its even possible. If not- any suggestions to a cheap field monitor would also be helpful, although I think it'd be fun to try and make this work. Thanks a lot.

I have attached a picture of the side of the monitor so you can see for yourself.
Just test to see if it works before you go out in the field. If you cannot get it working/don't have the ability/need cables, guess what... you then have your answer.

Good luck with your shoot.
There are no inputs, and you therefore wouldn't be able to use it as a monitor as is. With the help if someone with some electronics knowledge, it might be possible to pull the screen out and wire up some inputs, but you'd probably have better (and cheaper) luck with a $250 Lilliput monitor from Amazon.
its likely that the DVD player HAS A VIDEO INPUT...

I had a couple of portable dvd players that DID have AV Inputs. It let you share the video playback form one to the other. We used it in the car.

Also, they often are used as monitors for console gaming systems.
You probably just need an RCA to 1/8" adapter. Run to radioshack, should be under $5.

Use the AV-out cable from your camera, connect yellow RCA into adapter, and adapter into video/coaxial jack on the player. If it works, yay! If it doesn't, get yourself a lilliput, or perhaps just snag a cheap rootable android tablet, a USB host cable, and a copy of dslr controller and do it that way.
The label doesn't say "out" it's entirely possible that it does act as an input, as wheatgrinder mentioned he had some the could be linked. These accepting a video input signal is not unheard of, and you all are dismissing it straight away. What, specifically, are you seeing that makes you absolutely certain it's only an output, or even an output at all?
I checked the specs stated on sites that are selling it before posting. They list 2 video out and 0 video in, and it lines up with that DVD player.

Well alright :D

I looked quickly and couldn't find specs, since there wasn't a model number provided.

So, back to previous advice, get yourself a liliput, or the stuff necessary to monitor on an android device with dslr controller. Incidentally, the easiest way to do that is with a $30 tplink battery powered wifi router and hacked firmware.
I even found a link for the manual, but my DNS wasn't resolving the host of the company, which is why I went to the selling sites instead.

I use and recommend DSLR controller for a monitor (but I use it wired). Since I had a new nexus 7 tablet (ver 1), research showed buying the beta DSLRcontroller and a cable was the cheapest solution for me. I couldn't find a single tablet with video in, either. Affordable 7" monitors are comparitively low resolution, although they do offer things like focus peaking.

It feels like it only gives about 10-15fps even wired, but that's plenty for pulling focus. I do not like using dslrcontroller to actually control the camera (using the touchscreen), I only like it as a secondary monitor. Because of the split second delay (maybe 100ms?), i don't like it for framing, either. The back of the camera is much more responsive, so it's easier to anticipate actions.

I've also handed it off to a 1AC who pulled focus while I was doing framing using the back of the camera.
I wish there was a wireless transmission to google glasses. you could get close to the actors and watch the video feed at the same time..

one day..
I had been looking into do a hud-mount using bluetooth, but didn't get very far since the tech for HUDs was pretty poor at the time.

It might be closer in realizing it, using google glass, as that runs android and could theoretically run DSLRcontroller. The battery life would have to be addressed.

Still, $1500 for glass, versus $200 for a 7" tablet that multiple people can use.
and you could still get close to your actors and watch the video with dslrcontroller and the tplink, without your brain getting all weird looking at two different images of the same person simultaneously as you would get with glass.
and you could still get close to your actors and watch the video with dslrcontroller and the tplink, without your brain getting all weird looking at two different images of the same person simultaneously as you would get with glass.

make like a pirate and only use one eye at a time …

TMYK - Pirates wore eyepatches to keep one eye adjusted to night vision. If they went under the ship into darkness they could remove the patch and already be adjusted to low level light conditions