Festival Question

Hello all, I am getting ready for my first festival and I am not to sure about posters and post cards. I have them all made and ready to order, I just don't know how many I should print and how many I should send to the festival...Thanks
I'd suggest reaching out to the festival for guidance, especially in terms of sending posters. Some welcome a certain number; they may also have rules as to how they should be sent.
Ask the festival if you can send a poster in advance for hanging, and ask how many they need (usually 1-2). I don't think you will need more than 3. One to send in advance, 2 spares, to hang where you see other people hang theirs. If they are cheap, get 5 but no more (you may be able to hang a couple in local shops but I'd reserve this to a one block radius.)

Postcards are usually going to be a 500 or 1000 minimum correct? Just figure out how many you will need. Leaving small stacks at the theater and around town, handing out, etc.

It all depends on your attack plan.
Lots of desktop printers can print glossy card stock. You can make your own lobby cards. Do you have custom business cards for the film itself as well as your own business cards?