Fer Real?

Wait. So if I buy this guy's course, I can become like Jet Li in "The One?"


When I read the title, I thought maybe this would be about time travel. Of course it might be because I am currently re-reading this:


To be precise, re-reading the series, just happen to be on that one at the moment. :lol:
Sounds like it's another book on lucid dreaming or astral projection that's been relabeled to sell. :cool:

I bet there's some Coast To Coast AM interviews or plugs on it.
I apologize with sincerity. I meant to poke fun at the program, not the US President. It was just the highest profile, inspiring, "rags to riches" example that popped into my head.
F-That! I'm throwing down the gauntlet!

Liberals Unite! Let's take out those Repubs for good! It's time for an all-out no-holds-barred Death Match! What's the exact center of the nation, Yosemite? That's where we're meeting!

We already survived something like 3 promised apocalypses, just within the last year or two, so let's go ahead and get the post-apocalypse started! I just bought a motorcycle, I wanna get all Mad Max on some biatch!

Besides, there's too many post-apocalyptic movies, but almost no apocalyptic movies. There's a serious dearth in movies that show the ACTUAL apocalypse. So let's make some. Better yet if they're documentaries!



Just goofin around. Maybe I shoulda stopped at the last drink. Love y'all.