favorite favorite actor/actress

I've been thinking about this question for awhile now, and I still can't think of anyone. :( I tend to like directors and cinematographers more than actors. :D
cinematography said:
I tend to like directors and cinematographers more than actors. :D

sounds like cinematography is about to start a new thread:woohoo:

(in no way is that meant to seem sarcastic, those little blighters have a mind of their own!!)
Favourite Actor, Alec Guiness.
A selection of other favourites, Johnny Depp, David Warner, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Dern, Terry Thomas.

Favourite Actoress, Jodie Foster.
A selection of other favourites, Joan Cusack, Julie Christie, Sigourney Weaver, Ingrid Bergman.

Favourite Director, Terry Gilliam.
A selection of other favourites, David Lean, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese.
T Shipley said:
I'm a big fan of both Billy Crudup and Peter Saarsgard.

I like Jennifer Connelly alot and Katie Holmes, just because I have a thing for her.

you make a good point there but i would have to say that i prefer Jennifer....lol Jennifer Connelly has sooo been my all time crush ever scince Dark City....

(shakes head and comes back to reality)
Walter_Smidge said:
you make a good point there but i would have to say that i prefer Jennifer....lol Jennifer Connelly has sooo been my all time crush ever scince Dark City....

(shakes head and comes back to reality)

I had a thing for Jennifer for a long time, starting with Once Upon a Time in America (she was around my age, just so you don't think I'm a pervet) -- it maybe reached it's zenith after I saw Waking the Dead (with the aforementioned Crudup). But I've moved on to Katie. Jennifer and I are still on good terms though.
haha.. I know dude.. she looks like they dipped her in a vat of oompa loompa make-up.. she's hot in mean girls..coz you can see her freckles.
Mr.Blonde said:
haha.. I know dude.. she looks like they dipped her in a vat of oompa loompa make-up.. she's hot in mean girls..coz you can see her freckles.
freckles are the bomb man, she looked awesome in Mean Girls and hahaha you're so right with the Oompa Loompa make up :P
She's just straight up orange half the time.. which is terrible.. she has a gorgeous complexion.. & I'm not just saying this coz of me. hahahaha.
Mr.Blonde said:
She's just straight up orange half the time.. which is terrible.. she has a gorgeous complexion.. & I'm not just saying this coz of me. hahahaha.
hahaha you complimenting Lohan is just your secret little way of letting the narcissism out :P but that's fine, i'm sure everyone'll agree with you