archived-videos Far From Home

Far From Home: A Space Oddity

Entry into the IndieTalk Original Online Film Competition - Round III.



This film was basically a shake-down for two new pieces of software I got from Serious Magic.

The first, DV Rack, is a really good filming tool. You should check out their site for all the details but I found it particularly handy for setting up my shots - and - capturing camera input directly to my laptop's hard drive, saving the time consuming step of having to capture footage.

The second piece of software, Ultra, was used for the greeen screen effects. It's a superb chroma-key package and includes a variety of "virtual sets." I expect to use this a lot more in future productions!

And here's a quick note... I spelled someone's name wrong in the credits so let me re-post them here:

Baxter - Chuck Lafond
Collins - Michael Legge
Dr. Olin - Diane Mela Souvanna
Mother - Roseli Weiss (that's Roseli and not Rosali) Sorry.

Yes, I provided MAX's voice. I wrote, directed, and edited the whole thing too - couldn't find anyone local to work with unfortunately. But it was a great learning experience!
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Very nice job, Steve! :cool:

Amazing greenscreen work... I'll post a few things about the edits in the upcoming day.

A very good contender, no doubt!
I liked the backgrounds! Did you make those yourself?
There were random cuts sometimes, mid sentance. Was that to get down to the time limit?
Great use of the hat! Poor Baxter... I can relate to his struggle at the end there..
Good job!
Nice little short. Good greenscreening like the others have been saying. Very impressive backgrounds to. Yes poor Baxter. Maybe someday he'll get back to where he belongs.

Buttom Line-
I can identify with Baxter.
I once terminated an entire crew by accidentally opening the airlock.
Great job on the greenscreen effects, looks very professional. I'd like to see the extended cut someday.

Good job, The actors I think were very good . But the GREENSCREEN WORK..........
Man I tell you. Thats is some of the best work I have seen in along time.
Just thinking, the sound was a bit echoey... garage acoustics or codec?

It's the weird edits that detract from an otherwise awesome film. Good acting, good (funny) story, great backgrounds and concept... proves my point that adding personalities to computers is a bad idea. :lol:

If you'd had a bit more time, I think doing second alternate takes of the same scene from a different angle would have come in handy for hiding dodgey edits. Or, taking some reaction-shots of people to use... that's what the bartender in mine was for. He covers up every instance where I ended up with impossible edits.

You plan on using that greenscreen for more shorts? You are quite the wiz at that. :cool:
Having seen the pic of your garage studio it is amazing to see what you pulled off. The technical aspects were a bit off putting, zen hit the mark with his suggestions.

I look foward to seeing what else you come up with in the future.
Zensteve said:
Just thinking, the sound was a bit echoey... garage acoustics or codec?

It was the garage acoustics. Cement floor - that's what caused the echo effect.

Zensteve said:
It's the weird edits that detract from an otherwise awesome film.

Yeah... I was in pure panic mode trying to get under the 5 minute mark and it shows.

Good acting, good (funny) story, great backgrounds and concept...

The acting was superb, I can't thank Michael, Chuck, Diane and Roseli enough. They had no rehearsals, little lead-time with the script, and if I'm not mistaken it was their first experience with green screen acting. Michael and Diane (Collins and Olin) were shot together. Chuck (Baxter) after they'd finished. Roseli (Mother) was filmed the Thursday before deadline!

The story? Well, I hacked that out in an afternoon. It could have been more polished.

Zensteve said:
If you'd had a bit more time, I think doing second alternate takes of the same scene from a different angle would have come in handy for hiding dodgey edits. Or, taking some reaction-shots of people to use... that's what the bartender in mine was for. He covers up every instance where I ended up with impossible edits.

A bit more time... that's the most important factor. The first 3 weeks of the competition were pretty much a bust for me. I was in a stage production at the time with a local community theater group - tech week and performances left just about no time for the film.

Even at that, I spent more time building my green screen studio (and the lights) than anything else. Principal shooting was done in 4 hours (with another 45 minutes pickup for Roseli's scenes.) Editing was done over 2 days - clearly insufficient for the task.

I also bounced between several editing systems. I picked up a new iMac (the 17" 1.8GHz model) with Final Cut Pro HD with the intention of learning to use it with this project. Okay, that was overly ambitious. So I went back to the PC using Video Vegas Studio, my old stand-by.

Mind you, I'm not complaining or making excuses... just saying how much of a learning curve this project demanded and more than anything else it was FUN!

Zensteve said:
You plan on using that greenscreen for more shorts? You are quite the wiz at that. :cool:

Yes, I can't wait to do more work with Ultra and the green screen. It's so convenient working indoors with virtual sets... never having to worry about the weather or other shooting conditions. And the fluorescent lights didn't melt the actors - which is always a bonus.
Ah! So you used Serious Magic Ultra? Interesting. Any chance we could get some screengrabs of the pre-keyed footage? It looks like you have a nice setup there!

My greenscreen stuff was shot against a very poorly lit greenscreen. Causes nightmares for keying :D
SPaul, any chance you'll be creating a tutorial on the home made greenscreen? I know some peeps that would be interested in reading it.

Poke said:
any chance you'll be creating a tutorial on the home made greenscreen?

Yes, as a matter of fact I just pulled the whole thing apart so I can take pictures of it going back together again.

I'll have tutorials for both the green screen and the fluorescent lights, along with some screen captures of DV Rack and Ultra in action (after I clear it with Serious Magic.)
Sweetness! I have a friend who is planning a feature that needed some Greenscreen advice. I will let him know to await your tutorial.

Hey SPaul, my pal was wanting to know if you had a time frame on the tutorial. He's itching to see it (I sent him the pics you posted).
