It's kind of been touched on already... Do what you love to do and the fame will follow. Unfortunately, doing what you love to do is hard work and that's where I see 99% of the problems.
Most screenwriters I know simply don't write... They talk about screenwriting, they attend workshops, etc. but when it comes right down to it, they don't even complete one screenplay a year. That's not DOING, that's playing.
Same with filmmakers...
Although there is something to be said for constantly learning, eventually, you have to make a film. You have to overcome all the obstacles of which, there are many. You have to keep learning... But most importantly, you have to make a film. Then another, and another...
Assuming of course, it's what you love to do at the time...
I've been lucky enough to have several jobs in my life that I really liked alot... Not loved, but definitely liked well enough to try to be the absolute best at... I figured, "What the hell... I'm here, I might as well make it work..." So I busted my ass to be the best at those jobs and in doing so, I achieved fame in those niches... It was interesting... I never even thought about the fame while doing the job to the best of my ability and always trying to improve but the fame came and catapulted me into other opportunities...
I honestly believe that doing this in ANY endeavor will eventually bring fame... Maybe not the kind of fame that Brad Pitt has but fame within your chosen profession or niche... But to achieve that fame, you can't just process work... You have to create... You have to break rules but before doing so, you really need to know the rules first. That means education... Self taught or institution but to get really good at anything, you MUST constantly work at it and educate yourself in the same field. It's a never ending process. But keep at it and the fame will definitely find you.
As an example...
My brother started making English Longbows about 4 years ago. Every day for the last 4 years, he's been in his workshop turning out bow after bow. He's read all the books and he's experimented with lots of designs...
Last summer, he took one of his designs to an international flight shooting event and won the world record for his particular class with his particular design. Within his niche, he is now famous. Of course you wouldn't know him unless you were familiar with that particular niche... But within his niche, he is definitely famous.
Because of this new found fame, many many opportunities keep popping up for him. His business has grown by 500%.
I believe anyone can achieve the same results as long as they WORK and continue to educate and improve themselves...