
seems we got a consensus here for you Gavin
find what you want,
if its fame - rock with it,
but don't confuse love and respect with that,
get some self-appreciation
i'll be honest with you here Gavin -
Clive, Paul, Zoolio and Spatula (him less so than the rest) have turned on the tap,
and poured some bloody good points on your face and body and house,
swim in their wisdom
The only reason I'd want fame is because it would come as a result of doing what I do well. As a writer, there's of kind of glass ceiling to fame, so I don't really worry about not being able to go to the mall with out a mickey mouse hat and sunglasses.

Actually, I would like to be famous just for the chance to be invited onto the O'reilly factor and pick him apart. I'd also like the money that comes with it too (to give to the poor, of course).
maybe its coz i'm different. I want fame because I wanna have the money, meet a group of new people and move away from my family. I dont wanna be in contact with them anymore
The happiest people I know don't worry much about fame. Quickest way to become happy is to cook a good meal for someone.. I think fame/success/winning/etc. are great things to strive for but.. not the whole story.

Sure, you'll get "love" and "respect" if you are famous but fame is almost always temporary (quick, can you name the Oscar winners from 2002? The Cannes winners from 2004? More than 3 Olympic Track Gold Medalists?).

People that go crazy looking for respect often just need to learn how to respect other people :cool:
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you don't have to be famous in your own lifetime. hardly anyone (outside of the ideological elites of Europe) knew the name of Karl Marx in his lifetime - wham bam - many years later he is as big as legends get. i don't think being respected equals being famous or that being famous equals being respected - its the people who don't get famous, works their faces into the ground, they are the ones i respect, not Bruce Willis and Courtney Love.
'don't try to be a famous or great man, just try to be you, and let history makes it own call'
Gavin said:
maybe its coz i'm different. I want fame because I wanna have the money, meet a group of new people and move away from my family. I dont wanna be in contact with them anymore

there is nothing stopping you from moving on now, with our without fame - is that the real reason? the moving - you can do that anyway. the money - is the richest person in the world also the most famous?
no - so, by logic, being famous does not equal rich (they are not the same thing, and wealth will not necessarily be a by-product of fame).
are these your real reasons?because you don't need fame for either
Gavin said:
maybe its coz i'm different. I want fame because I wanna have the money, meet a group of new people and move away from my family. I dont wanna be in contact with them anymore

You can get all of that without fame Gav!
Already you've met new friends here, and given time and effort you can make some money and move away. Just remember, that no matter how badly people treat you, you can't hold that against them. Some people have no conception how to deal with thier own problems, so they take it out on others... instead of getting angry at them, pity them (but don't put yourself above them).
I'm not saying take shit from people, just understand shit, and try to be positive about it.
Money does NOT equal happiness... that's public domain, dude. Money can make life easier, and make it harder depending on how much you have, but it's all in the mind about being happy.
You have to understand yourself first. I would suggest getting a job and saving up a bit o' cash, then travel for a month. Go to Europe, go to Canada, go to Mexico... whatever you do, take some time to yourself and figure out what YOU need and want. Try to absorb yourself in different cultures.. you'll find that people can be happy with nothing in some places. I know, living in the city, that most people revolve thier lives around money. If you get out of your habitat for a while, not only will it bring spiritual inspiration, but creative inspiration as well... who knows, maybe you could write of your travels, make a film and get fame through that... but it shouldn't be about "getting famous"... it should be about figuring stuff out... get curious... what do you want to know? Is there a place or culture you have been interested in learning?
I know a guy who just left to teach English in Japan for a year... he's always loved Eastern cinema and now he's getting first-hand experience of the culture. When he gets back, he'll have one hell of a tale under his belt.
Don't worry Gav... everything works out in the end. Karma, dude. Just do unto others and all that and eventually you will be happy.

If you go to Mexico, don't drink the water.

Nique Zoolio said:
don't try to be a famous or great man, just try to be you, and let history makes it own call'
I disagree with that simply because my trying to be the best man I can be has brought me such hapiness in life. If I never tried to improve myself or do great things, i wouldn't be half as happy with myself as I am now...and I don't even think the ride is over yet...fame isn't everything, but trying to be great is..to me.

If everyone tried to be a great person, the world would be a wonderful place. I think that too many people are comfortable with their flaws, and don't try to be the best they can be.
LOGAN L Productions said:
If everyone tried to be a great person, the world would be a wonderful place. I think that too many people are comfortable with their flaws, and don't try to be the best they can be.

i agree - we should try to be great, but greatness means alot of different things to different people - and sometimes our ambitions can actually be bad for the world. i have never been comfortable with my flaws - thats what keeps me going, aiming, striving to be more than i am.
my point Logan was that you should not look to future societies to validate your existence, try to be a good person for yourself, not for the concomitant fame or money.
it sounds that we have the same thinking on this - and I'm glad you want to be a great person. that makes at least 2 of us - and in fact, everyone on this thread, by trying to help Gav out, has gone a little way to being such a person. good luck to us.
I know that I don't need to be "validated" by future societies...and if i'm not remembered, oh well...It's just a life goal of mine...someting to shoot for. I'm just saying that it would be nice...cool...really cool...not necessary, though...so yeah, we pretty much agree except that I do like the idea of fame for myself.
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LOGAN L Productions said:
we pretty much agree except that I do like the idea of fame for myself.

i like the idea of fame for you if its what you want too :) !!!!!!
good luck with it Logan, looking forward to seeing your name in bright lights, or at the very least, on some kind of poster which i can shine a bright light on
Its very easy to be obsessed with fame, as we live in a culture and society where fame is idolised and everyone who is famous is an idol.
This is a very futile and destructive ideal and way of living. The majority of fame is based on propoganda, spin, marketing and only a few people are famous through talent or achievement. Mass culture itself is making fame a frivilous thing.
I am sick of it. It's a kids game really.
Gavin, what you are looking for is happiness, not fame. Here's how to be happy.

1) Every morning meditate for fifteeen minutes. To meditate you sit still and relaxed with a straight back. You breath in through your nose and out of your mouth paying attention to your breath. If any other thoughts come into your mind (which they will) you let them drift away as soon as you are able. It isn't anymore complicated than that, but it only works if you do it first thing everyday.

2) After mediation eat a light breakfast, which contains some protein.

3) Go out and do twenty minutes gentle exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, riding a bike)

4) Give up 95% of processed sugar. Eat three thimes a day and don't snack in between.

5) Spend at least one hour a day working on one of your creative projects.

6) Spend at least an hour a day with friends

7) Spend no more than two hours a day watching TV or using the internet.

8) Try and do at least one thing everyday for somebody else

9) And finally, drink lots of water.

I guarantee that if you do all of the above for thirty days you won't feel like the world is shafting you and your projects will all be moving forwards at an incredible rate. Then all you have to do is carry on with it for the rest of your life.

The truth is that 98% of most emotional problems dissapear if you mediatate, eat well and get regular exercise.

Of course, the only problem with doing the above is that it means you are personally responsible for how you feel and it's not possible to blame anyone else.