"Everywhere I Go" Production Diary

Hey Folks,

It's back again. Created by the infamous Nick Clapper, rebirthed by the brain-box and Moderator Chilipie and now elbowed to a bloody, brutal death by yours truly.

You can also follow it on..(Please share or drop us a follow)

Tumblr http://eigproductiondiary.tumblr.com/

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Everywhere-I-Go/155602314523310

We'll be updating (I'll try and get the other guys involved, 'cause you're sick of me, right?) with every small victory, every development and ofcourse, the setbacks.


A Polish immigrant and factory worker, Kate Zurek, arrives home to find herself face-to-face with the creatures of her deepest fears. And the worst thing is, they do not speak Polish.

Here's the first promotional poster designed by the fantastic Maks Bereski (Thanks, Nick!)

The credits will be amended as we begin to hire more crew. It feels awkward seeing my name that many times :lol:

Everywhere I go by PTPfilms

Time to get this going!

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Theyre still airing your commercial everywhere and giving you exposure atleast right?

Sorry abt the bad news!


I don't mean HEELYS. I mean the company we we're supposed to be receiving funding from.

Yes, everything is fantastic on the Heelys front.

Just got to kickstart the wagon on EIG.

@Chilipie That's what we're hoping. It is a nice credit to have, and hopefully someone will bite.
Hey everyone,

So as you know, the funding initiative we were pursuing has fallen through. We're currently discussing and re-evaluating our treatment for some new schemes. It looks like we may need a little more narrative under our belt for the majority, so it might take a little while (4-8 weeks) before we put Everywhere I Go infront of any investors.

Should be a busy couple months. :)
Quick Update:

We are going ahead with strengthening our narrative and furthermore, if possible, some good exposure of that narrative work.

The wheels are in motion.

Next stop. (Something that the Potter fans amongst us should enjoy)

"Rowland And The Howler".