Editing help?

I'm working with a Sony DSR PD150, and I am now in the process of editing and so on. The only problem is that for some reason I cannot get the video to the editing station. The manuel says I need a VCR in order to do it...?

Yah, it connects to your computer via a FireWire cable.

The camera needs to be in VCR mode (so it can use functions like "Play", Shuttle-Forward, Rewind, etc) - and your editing software will suck in the footage, while the tape physically plays what has been recorded.

Good luck. :)
Mmm, indeed I was.

Now I've another problem. I just finished editing with Adobe Premiere 6.5 and went to export the final draft (for want of a term) and it is saying there is an "Encoder clipboard error." Or something along those lines. Er? I've tried everything I could think of, but...nothing.