I don't agree with you that the synopsis doesn't pride a vibe. A synopsis should trigger the curiosity, and because I understood from your introduction that you want to make something more than an average movieIt is normal that you didnt get any vibe because you do not know all the story about movie. Thats why i wanted to make connections in this forum. Because, i know it will take time to explain for me and understand for others. Let's come to your questions;
1) Yes, there is a connection between the violin and her nymphomania. When she plays violin, she feels her sexuality with more meaningful. Without volin, everything just gives pain to her soul.
2) Nymphomania is not an illness in my opinion but it is a phsycological issue. I think i made mistake while translating the text from my language
3) Falling love is something she never felt before. Because all men in her life tried to have sex with her without emotional feelings.

Which of the three answers is the most important for you to translate into the movie?