Dov S-S Simens 2-Day Film School

It is tough to get any indepth reviews. The youtube videos look motivating and he touts that he has helped a lot of big names in Hollywood realize their dreams. The dvd set has 16 dvds for about $350-$400.

Has anyone seen these or have an opinion on Dov S-S Simens? I was thinking about saving up for these because I think he is kind of motivating to me. His youtube videos sort of got me off my butt to finally buy my own camera and start plans for my short.

Anyone take the 2 day film school course in their city or order the 2-day film school dvd set?
I took his two-day film school a few years ago. Dov has successfully culled information from enough sources and his own limited experience actually producing films to be able to present a competent film course for people who have done no research on the subject whatsoever, but who want to maker a film.

I had researched the subject and read up before the class, so much of his class presented basic info in the most simplistic form possible. For example, when talking about writing a script, the "advice" was: write a script, you need a good guy, a bad guy and pretty girls. Which is essentially true, but it's kind of like paying for a seminar on book writing and getting the advice to "type till you've got about 1,000 pages."

I did learn a few valuable things, and if you are just getting going, he is motivational. A lot of what he says to tell you how to make a movie is "get up and make a movie" - and that really is what it takes. You may not make a great first movie, but making them is one of the best ways to learn.

It seems like a lot to pay for the set - maybe you could check eBay, or some used DVD sites?

Lots of opinions about this set of DVDs on the forum, if you look the dude's name up.

Fwiw, I'd save my money. That's just my opinion, though.

Yeah, I already searched the old reviews. It seems about 50/50 split. People who know everything think it sucked and the newbies learned something from the guy.

I guess I'll stick to the youtube show unless I find a deal on it.
He is a great motivational speaker. If you need an outside influence to
motivate you this is the way to go. He will say, "Get a script, get a cast
and crew and make a movie. Do that again and again." but he says it
in such a way that some people actually do it.

If you have the drive, determination and passion to make movies without
an outside influence you don't need this course.