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watch Does this Suck

I don't know how to delete these posts. But, I removed all the videos from this thread. (they were temps)

The final video will be attached to my kickstarter page which I'm working on.

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I think the intro's too long and you need to cut straight to the interviews. I'd put put the prettier girls in first. 20 seconds is a long time to wait to get to the meat.

The music at the start doesn't add anything... I'd scrap it or change it.

I wouldn't give any money solely on that but I would be interested to see what you're doing...
Something's fishy there....they all are named Nancy Nelson? Man that's odd. Ok bad joke a side.

The only part that made me want to know more about the project was the tag line. Other than that it seemed like any regular casting call and to me is always dull.

It wouldn't make me run away but I would pass on donating.
It's not particularly informative, by itself, if that's the goal of the video.

I would assume that your KS page has all the relevant details to fill in the gaps, but I'd be a bit nonplussed if I just found the video on YouTube.

Is it for a reality show, where wannabe-actors are goin' to try & win "the part"?
"From the producers of the critically acclaimed US SINNERS" - cuts to the chase quicker, in one title...

Some B-Roll / outside shots of NYC might add something.
Short answer: No.

But then I've never donated to any of these things. So don't let that deter you... too much.

Your sequence was boring and static. You never changed camera angle. It looked crappy, the compression, the quality of camera.

If they're going to be saying the same line, have them all do it in a different place. Give it some mystery. Have one actually BE waiting a table.

...And maybe more importantly than any of that, is there a point to this thing? 'Girls read for part' is not a feature film. It may have been the opening scene for some stellar porno sequences, but I think you're coming up a little light here.
These are actual auditions on a crappy camcorder. We don't even have the roles filled. But, all these women off the cuff were pretty good. Most of them we're calling in for a more detailed second audition.

I've gotten from different places: Love the auditions, hate the auditions. Love the music, hate the music. Love the wording, hate the wording. It's so split, that it all means nothing.

But, someone did give me a detailed reason to omit the auditions, and I'm apt to agree with them. So, the auditions are gone and just the boring words are left.

But, from it, you should get Athelstan Productions who brought you Us Sinners, is bringing you a drama asking how far would you go to achieve your dream? In this instance, the lead role in a movie.

Zen: This is for my upcoming movie. It really is about "How Far You'd Go To Achieve Your Goal". With lots of sex and drama included. Even the actresses that won't audition (due to micro-budget nudity) love the script.
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I think you could up the pace if you had the girls saying different parts of the script in sequence, example:

Girl 1: Hello, my name is
Girl 2: Nancy Nelson
Girl 3: and I just moved to New York
Girl 4: from indiapolis indiana

I think that could make it more interesting and less repetitive. And some people are lazy about reading, so you may want to be more direct about your intentions in the intro as to what your trying to accomplish.
I think you could up the pace if you had the girls saying different parts of the script in sequence, example:

Girl 1: Hello, my name is
Girl 2: Nancy Nelson
Girl 3: and I just moved to New York
Girl 4: from indiapolis indiana

I think that could make it more interesting and less repetitive. And some people are lazy about reading, so you may want to be more direct about your intentions in the intro as to what your trying to accomplish.

When I was originally making it, I was considering doing this suggestion. I might give it a try. THANKS.