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Do we do screenplay reviews at IndieTalk?

Hello. My apologies in advance if this is a party foul but do we review screenplays at indietalk? I have completed the 4th draft of a 16 page (short) narrative screenplay which could seriously use the eyes and feedback of a veteran or five. I committed the cardinal sin of showing it to friends and family, and although they have the best of intentions, they tend to not know what they are talking about or what to look for, or sometimes just plain blow smoke up one's...

This is my second script (my first one was so bad, even I started smelling it's stink before I was done - it was a feature meant for sale), which I intend to produce, direct and edit. I've read about the ettiquette of script reviews and how costly they can get, but all of my money has gone into equipment and training (books, DVDs, seminars, etc.). So right now I have nothing to spare for a professional review. I though since we review and critique other stuff on here that this request would not be too much out of turn. So if we review scripts here too, I used Movie Magic 6 to write it but can submit it in a variety of other formats (text file, pdf) that best meet my reviewer(s) needs.

Thank you for your time and help.
Not technically, but there have often been feedback threads on works in progress. There are several working pros and pros in the works (e.g. me) lurking here.

Just protect yourself and others by copyrighting your work before showing it around. Some won't read material from new writers for that very reason. You would be surprised how accurate the collective unconscious can be. I could have a similar story in progress or on the back burner.
Thanks for the reply, VPTurner. I always suspected that screenplays are a whole different animal because of the story factor but I had to ask.

I am from the school of thought that says every story that can be told already has been told. It's all variations on a theme going forward. So I have never been scared of someone's work being similar to mine, or someone stealing my ideas. I think it's our unique perspctive, style and skill that we bring to each project as creators and artists that generates that "new feeling" or the "freshness factor" that makes one's rendition of an already told story or plot appear unique. But scripts tend to be very tricky issues with wide room for unwanted legal exposure. So I certainly understand and respect the caution employed by many in the business.

Please forgive my naiveté, as I have not secured copywrite protection for my work yet, but should I copywrite my script this early in the game, especially as I will have re-writes, or should I wait until the final version? I always assumed that you'd want to copywrite the final version, so that you're not just purchasing copywrites over and over (with re-writes), but I could be dead wrong on that.

Plus, how would I go about setting up a feedback thread for such a review? Is it just like anyother thread on here? Are these threads in a special forum? Do I make my script an attachment to said thread (like the trailers that are on here)?

I appreciate your help and insight, and as my questions indicate I still have so much more to learn. Thank you for your help and patience.
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I'll tell you what I do...

Thanks for the reply, VPTurner. I always suspected that screenplays are a whole different animal because of the story factor but I had to ask.

I am from the school of thought that says every story that can be told already has been told. It's all variations on a theme going forward. So I have never been scared of someone's work being similar to mine, or someone stealing my ideas. I think it's our unique perspctive, style and skill that we bring to each project as creators and artists that generates that "new feeling" or the "freshness factor" that makes one's rendition of an already told story or plot appear unique. But scripts tend to be very tricky issues with wide room for unwanted legal exposure. So I certainly understand and respect the caution employed by many in the business.

Please forgive my naiveté, as I have not secured copywrite protection for my work yet, but should I copywrite my script this early in the game, especially as I will have re-writes, or should I wait until the final version? I always assumed that you'd want to copywrite the final version, so that you're not just purchasing copywrites over and over (with re-writes), but I could be dead wrong on that.

Plus, how would I go about setting up a feedback thread for such a review? Is it just like anyother thread on here? Are these threads in a special forum? Do I make my script an attachment to said thread (like the trailers that are on here)?

I appreciate your help and insight, and as my questions indicate I still have so much more to learn. Thank you for your help and patience.

I copyright every draft of my screenplays... Gets expensive and to some, probably overkill. To me, a very EFFICIENT LEGAL PAPER TRAIL but I do this for a living... I also register with the WGAw. I am even looking into some of the other registration entities out there.

Should YOU do that? Probably not... Yet. Especially if you're showing your screenplays to someone you trust even if it's someone you've not yet met in person. As you've already alluded to, it's the EXECUTION that counts. Even IF I copped your idea or part of your idea from your script after reading it, no way would I write the same screenplay.

Having said that...

Once you start to market, you'll want to copyright and secure WGA West or East registration. If you end up doing a complete rewrite and make fairly major changes, yeah, my recommendation is to REPEAT.

When I say market, I am specifically talking about submitting your script to professionals in the business... Agents, producers, managers, directors, actors, WHATEVER...

MALL COP was ripped off... LOL. And, inside sources say that the rip off was quite innocent... LOL. They ALWAYS say that but you never know... Could be true because so many people read so many screenplays. However, because the guy that got ripped off is an attorney, he had a very nice legal paper trail and will very likely be settling out of court.

Had he NOT created that paper trail...

So before you actually start sending it out to professionals, perform your due diligence... Keep a log for every script and make a note about EVERYTHING YOU DO with that script in the way of sending it out, sending queries, emails, telephone calls, whatever... Make sure that you both copyright and register with the WGA at a minimum.

The chances are SLIM that your work will be ripped off... An idea being ripped off is much more likely but the execution of that idea is much more UNLIKELY... But it happens.

Protect yourself.

Hi, I am the film reviewer here at IndieTalk but I am primarily a screenwriter and screenwriting teacher at Drexel University and The University Of The Arts in Philadelphia.

The owner of the website and I have been discussing the idea of starting a screenplay coverage service. Watch this space.
Hi, I am the film reviewer here at IndieTalk but I am primarily a screenwriter and screenwriting teacher at Drexel University and The University Of The Arts in Philadelphia.

The owner of the website and I have been discussing the idea of starting a screenplay coverage service. Watch this space.
The secret is out! :)

Yes, in fact is is much closer to launch. More later (next week maybe).

No, it will not be free.
Thanks for all of the information and help, and I will watch this space.

I don't expect script reviews to be free, but I sure hope they will be affordable for us low budget folk.

Thanks again.
Oh, I hear you about keeping things budget friendly. I think that the numbers we are looking at are substantially lower than the going rate for this kind of service.
I would be quite happy to read and offer you some detailed feedback

I haven't come from a screen writing background as such, but I have had my plays produced on stage, as well as completing a BA in Drama and Theatre, plus a Masters in Playwriting. I completed the renowned MPhil in playwriting from the university of Birmingham in the UK

I have had the chance to work with some great playwrights and picked up some great craft along the way. I have quite a lot of experience dramaturging work in order to try and develop dramatic works and overcome any narrative, character, plotting etc issues that crop up during the re-writing process

Like I mentioned, I would be happy to offer my assistance in any way you would like to use it. Please send me a PM if you're interested. I tend to long in every two or three days so I will get back to you as soon as I can

You guys should definitely read each others screenplays, just make sure you send copyrighted material.

An update on the script coverage service is coming soon. I'm busy with a few other things.
Hi Henry. Thank you for offering to read my script. I must apologize for getting back to you so late. Between the day job and my directing studies I have not been on here for a while.

I really appreciate the offer and would like to take you up on it. I need to make one more pass and clean a few things up and will copyright it next week. That way I should be able to get it out to you by the weekend.

I'll PM you (through here I presume?) and get you a copy. I use MovieMagic ^ but can get you a copy of my script in another file format that works best for you. Thanks again.
It's been a while since I last brought this up, but where are we on the review service? If the service is not up and running yet are there any experienced writer's out there who wouldn't mind reading a short? It's my first short that I am planning on shooting this summer but have this nagging feeling that a better set of eyes would be beneficial. Thanks in advance.
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Many are asking for professional coverage and being a middle age woman and no earnings on my own I cannot afford one . I therefore wish your coverage though not free and will cost less . I also dont think my crossover script will fetch more money .