Do these guns look real enough?

What everyone has said for 4 pages is to improvise. Use skills to make this work! You don't need a gun. You need experience.

Change the script so you can get experience.
What everyone has said for 4 pages is to improvise. Use skills to make this work! You don't need a gun. You need experience.

Change the script so you can get experience.

But changing the script to suit your own means is the lazy way out. So I guess he will just keep talking about making a film the real way because it's not lazy. Or maybe he can get a festival to screen an indietalk thread.
Well in the script the character would logically have a gun in the type of profession he is involved in, so it feels like it would defy logic, for him not to have one, and I keep asking myself, why wouldn't he have one? I told the actors I have so far that I might take the gun out, but they disagreed and said it would make no sense, so I will try to writ it in a way that it does, or just get the gun.
YES AND if you scroll back a few pages there was a gun we said would pass for the shot you need, to be shown in the drawer, or not in an extreme closeup (of the gun). NO ONE said ditch the gun, we answered your question! BUT!

We are going in circles once again! What happened was you changed your "story." From in a drawer, to checking for bullets, to firing!

So what we have revealed is, you don't HAVE a story!

This is how all your threads work. You ask about things you will never put into action, just to ask. You have no story. If you do, then why did you change it each page here?

Go make the film with the gun in the drawer, and post back. Enough nonsense please. You say you don't mean to waste people's time here but what do you call this?

We made it to ponies!!!!!!
I thought about it, and could re-use the gun for another script later where it would fire. So it would save my money, by purchasing one prop, and killing two birds with one stone. I didn't mean to waist people's time, i was just asking if anyone knew what the best gun was to buy, that's all. that was in the OP, which is the best gun to buy. I didn't mean to waist time, just asking... sorry about that.
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Keep the gun. Just have a more cost efficient way of showing it.

Go to 10:40

Our main gun fight, the leads had metal blowback airsoft guns. All the thugs had the cheaper plastic guns. Meaning you can get away with plastic. It's all about how the actor acts when shooting the gun and the story itself. That's why I posted that video of the wrestler vs. the blowup doll. He suspended your disbelief.

Remember, all that we're telling you comes from an indie filmmaker mindset. We're most of the time cheap with no access to certain means. So we have to take a more efficient route in order to tell our stories. Other than masks from Party City, everyone dressed themselves up in the short above. We just told them the look that we were going for. Yes, the above video isn't a good example of being cheap since we did rent out the warehouse, but the other locations were because one of the actors lived there or someone else already had access to the building.

Exterior was one location where our friend works at.
Rooftop was another location a friend had access tat.
Interior warehouse we rented.
Office at the end was a location another friend worked at.

All the thugs? Friends.
Most of the females were theater majors that my cousin (the one with the gold guns) befriended while still also being a theater major himself. The older female earlier in the short is his teacher and that was one of her classrooms. This is why connections are important.
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On another forum he says the scene involves a police raid with guns drawn and firing blanks. Don't waste your time people. Not another second.
Well mainly I would like re-use the gun for another script where it would be fired later. But I can just look for the best gun and go with that. However, all the guns I have come across so far look real, but they are plastic and not metal, and I can tell, even if it's a medium close up shot, such as finding a gun in a drawer.
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Well mainly I would like re-use the gun for another script where it would be fired later. But I can just look for the best gun and go with that. However, all the guns I have come across so far look real, but they are plastic and not metal, and I can tell, even if it's a medium close up shot, such as finding a gun in a drawer.



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Well I can perhaps splurge some extra cash on the metal ones then. I am going to email some sites, and get the pros and cons of the guns to see which one is best. As far the orange tips on the guns, I notice that the orange tips are actually longer on the guns, compared to the real firearms they are replicating. So I will have to saw off the orange part as well, to make the barrel length correct.

I am not sure how to make the plastic ones believable to be metal though, cause no matter how you light it, it's still plastic. It's kind of like how in most first short, people said that the knife didn't look like real metal. So I think I need a material that will photograph as more real.