I'm not trying to stir the pot at all. just wanted to provide my perspective.
Nah, I think we're all cool here.
No one is singling any one group out on anything.
From my vantage point it's a free for all where any "interest group" is subject to the same stereotyping respect/offense conundrum, making everyone of us in the same boat.
Frankly, I get sick and tired of being thrown in the "majority" oppressor role.
I ain't oppressing sh!t nobody.
I don't care care is a person is black, white, brown, red, yellow, zebra striped, chocolate mint swirl, man, woman, tranny, gay, lezzie-only-part-time, Hindi, Hindu, Muslim, atheist, Christian Quasimodo, whatever.
Just show up for d@mn work and get your sh!t done.
Come to work wearing a pink tutu for all I care, just get the d@mn work done.
I eat, and hours later sh!t comes out.,
Guess what? Same for everybody else.
Have a big juicy car wreck and the laws of physics will tear your @ss apart no matter WTH your skin color, gender, sexual disposition, or religion is.
It just doesn't matter.
I'm a middle aged white dude.
Apparently I'm oppressing ALLLLLLL the other minorities.
I'm keeping all the non-whites from getting a job or a loan at a equal rate, all things otherwise being equal.
I'm keeping that glass ceiling over all the women.
I'm denying the GLBT, LGBT, BLT-whatever communities their civil liberties evolution.
I am?
I must busy as a mutherf#cker!
So, yeah. There's stereotypes flying all around.
Me and "my peoples" are unfortunately subject to them, as well.
And it's bullsh!t.
So I extend the same dismissive courtesy to everyone else.
So, how do we craft a
stereotypical superhero that both respects their own unique cultural characteristics while simultaneously rejecting offensive characterizations?
When is your fictional character tokenism or legit?
It's not easy.
At least to me it's not.
What does a lesbian superhero do exactly? Does she "lick" all her enemies?
Or, how does Muzzie! The Magnificent Muslim! deploy a strategy against his super villain foes?
Can Muzzie be a
female Muslim superhero?
A transvestite biracial Jew-Muslim convert superhero in a wheelchair as a result of some poor prenatal healthcare of her unmarried parents?
Oh wait... is she/he superheroing during her/his first year of living as the other gender before her/his surgery is approved by her/his HMO? That could make a difference in how her/his stereotype is developed.
Well... it could.
I'm just sayin'.
This is why I don't do stereotypes.
They're idiotic to me.
However, I did enjoy both Defendor and Super recently, both with middle aged white males as lead characters.
I failed to notice anything particularly stereotypically "middle aged white" about either of them.
They both seemed universally stupid to me.