Just out of curiosity, to all you more experienced directors out there, what was the worst thing that ever happened on set? What did you do to resolve it? Also, what do you recommend is the best way of going about handling a production crisis?
While in film school in Florida, a rich kid in my class paid for flights and hotels for our documentary group project to fly to California to shoot a short doc on movie flops. We went to a huge advertising agency to interview the creative director of lots of billboard and poster ads for big movies. When we got back to the car, the cam-op accidentally formatted the card when asked to pull up the footage.
I just aspirated my cup of tea out of my nose...
Not one of mine as a director but I was assisting (erm, I got a 'with thanks' on the credits) on a short shoot in London - well funded, approx $20k USD. Oscar nominated DoP, a nice Arri in the corner with a 5D for shots where you couldn't get the Arri, sound guys bitching like crazy, cast all changed, crew all ready to go. Shooting in a building where specialised access / security was required.
And then someone asked where the lenses were.
Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
Do you mind me asking which DP that was?
I got a credit as a grip for a show I Best Boy'd on last year.I was assisting (erm, I got a 'with thanks' on the credits)
And then someone asked where the lenses were.
Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
I had an actress not show up for the first day on my first feature. She quit without telling me. So I had to get on craigslist and recast the part in six hours. Fortunately it was a b-movie and acting wasn't too important.