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story desire, but no story

Confession! Got a problem..

Do you get an occasional urge just to get out and shoot something?
My problem is that when I get those "tics", instead of just getting out and doing short video compositions of establishing shots, I start writing some story, then half way through the story my mind gets of the death loop "this is garbage.. it was interesting, but. This story goes nowhere" and occasioanly (fortunately not always) I'm stuck with the desire to make a short film, without an actual story... really frustraiting.. but, like I said, luckly its not always, but when it happens it SUCKS.

Maybe its the fear of failure, or whatever its called, but is there somebody else that goes through this?

What do u do when u got no story, but you really want to make a short film?

Ps. No I won't consider to make sex tape, perverts!
T2I records only for 12 mins ... ba da psh... sorry, inappropriate joke.
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No such thing as an inappropriate joke! ;-)

Anyway, why not go out and shoot? Film a river, or traffic going by. Build up some footage you can use later, and see what inspires you from there. Either that, or find a writer to work with. Working with someone else not only will inspire you more, but will push you to "hold your end up".
This is why I like doing the poptent ads. They are self contained assignments that:

A: Can be shot in day or so
B: Have simple story needs.
C: Have aggressive deadlines, not a lot of time to agonize over every decision.
maybe just shoot the scenes from the ideas you have that dont have a real point, then one day when you have a great idea for a film and you are looking through some stuff you see a short film you did that you can use as a scene. or something like that. In my head its an action scene where panda bears are attacking people with flamethrowers. I would just incorporate that into a scene somehow.

or just make a pointless movie. ever see "rubber"? its on netflix, check it out. the basic idea of the movie is that sometimes there is no real reason that something happens in a movie.

I think its just important to just get out there and do it. maybe while you're shooting something that has no plot, you will get an amazing idea and start shooting that.
Go do your own version of Sasquatch Birth Journal 2.

- Camera
- Tripod
- Outfit (Businessman births a keyboard, kid poops a HotWheels car, etc. )
- "Birth" object
- Setting

Should take about an hour to plan, coerce, collect, shoot, edit, post on youtube.
I got stuff to do right now, otherwise I'd post one in the next few days, but I'm a little busy.

GO shoot something.
Yes, I understand EXACTLY what you're saying.
Just... go!
This is why I like doing the poptent ads. They are self contained assignments that:

A: Can be shot in day or so
B: Have simple story needs.
C: Have aggressive deadlines, not a lot of time to agonize over every decision.

+1 But you forgot the big one. You could win MONEY!! :)

I had some unexpected things come up that cost me about two grand and set back my filming plans. But once I get caught up, I'll be jumping on this band wagon.
thanks for the replies guys! just came back from the city, taking bunch of establishing shots for my little library :)

I do like me some poptent as well! did a couple of short vids/commercials. I should try out some more assignments!

And I like the idea about making my own version of sasquach film ;)

this little mini shoot did give me a few ideas for a short movie.

I think every time i have "writers block" I'll just bust my camera out, and go film stuff..
its like meditating lol
i have a whole book full of story ideas but i cant seem to pop out a single decent script. i work better when i have to complete a film as part of a project than if i merely have free time, but when i have to do a project i always feel pressed for time and cant put my all into a project. wish i knew someone who'd write a script for me, then i'd go shoot it.. i have the same problem as you though with making films
I shoot nature films when I have no script and want to shoot.

They are so easy you can write them as you go.

Shot of a forest from cliff.

"During the rainy season, the forest canopy comes to life, (close up shot of bug climbing leaf) the north american ladybug is one of the forests most prolific inhabitants, often numbering in the hundreds of thousands per square mile" and so on.