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watch Demo Reel First Pass

Hi all,
Here is my first step to a finished demo reel.


Music, swooshes and what not still to come. Some of the clips have production audio so its not silent.. just bare.

Let me know what you think.
Too long?
Motion sickness?
Spell check!

I think the edits are too quick--you should stay on one project for longer as opposed to repeating it multiple times in uber-short snippets. Pick the best moment of each.

I thought the layered swooshing around, while you could still see the other projects blurred in the BG was too busy.

It's dynamic...which is good. Good energy.

Just my two cents.
Hot shit! :D

There are a couple of cuts that intercept the dialogue a little early, but other than that it looked great. I was delighted to see the famous Secret Santa video make an appearance! Some of the gun fights are really superb, so perhaps a greater focus on that? I don't know, I liked it though!
Awesome content, Wheat! But yeah... I felt like I was watching a pinball machine. Far too swirly and busy IMO. I'm in the camp of "let me take in the work for what it is" and less with how it is presented. Just prefer a more simple approach is all.

But your work is excellent and shows a lot of range :)
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thanks all ... great insights.. and nice compliments!

This is targeted towards getting POST VFX work if that makes any difference to the motion sickness.. lol
Ah, if your focusing on post work and AfterFX...then it's more acceptable to be as busy. I just wasn't sure that's what it was...I thought it was a DP or Director's reel. Anywoo. Thanks for sharing.
I like it busy. I think it's good that it zips along. I like the high energy. I think it's terrific. Maybe a tad too long, but only because it feels a little repetetive towards the end. Overrall, very nice.
The floating page transitions are good, but there are too many, as your video jumps around and refuses to settle down. I think you should show each project in one segment, not divided up, then move on to the next project. I think the overall length is good. Loved the bomb diffusing!
I'm with everyone else...however I do think overall I really like the effect your going for and your clips alone look great. Just less cuts, show a piece and move on to the next...I wouldn't go back and forth.
Maybe group similar works together? For example, put all the video that demonstrates bullet hits, sniper scopes & muzzle flashes together in a row - just to avoid jumping all over the place. Another group for titling effects, another group for cinematography, etc.

What was that animated film in there, btw? I don't recall seeing that earlier.