Daily Vlog as I create my first feature film.

So I wanted to create some sort of consistent, journal entry for me to look back at and see what I learned as I go through the process of developing and making my first Feature. So I started a daily vlog a few weeks ago. It's been a TOUGH process, but it's so rewarding, and keeps me motivated to work a little bit at the feature every single day. It also encourages me to try out different lighting setups, and build little scenes every day. I'd love to hear any feedback you have, or any thoughts you may have!



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Hey tyccombs!

Welcome to IT! I really like the idea of not just doing a vlog, but making them into little shorts at the same time. I'm definitely intrigued and will be following your progress.

I'm in post on a feature right now and just kept a regular journal and typical vlog, so this will be cool to follow! Best of luck, and feel free to post any questions you may have. Can you share a summary or longline about the film?
Hey tyccombs!

Welcome to IT! I really like the idea of not just doing a vlog, but making them into little shorts at the same time. I'm definitely intrigued and will be following your progress.

I'm in post on a feature right now and just kept a regular journal and typical vlog, so this will be cool to follow! Best of luck, and feel free to post any questions you may have. Can you share a summary or longline about the film?
Thank you so much! I'm also keeping journals and things for myself, but wanted to open it up for anyone to follow the journey if they wanted. I grew up loving the BTS and extras on DVD's, and wanted to make something similar in real-time. As I'm still writing/finding the story the logline is a bit loose at the moment. But something like: "an estranged father and son embark on a memory filled hunting trip after a death in the family."

Good luck on your feature! excited to hear more about it!
Good luck! a feature is an enormous accomplishment, something I've yet to attempt.

Your logline reminds of of Mara's (another members) film Detours about a father and daughter that go on a road trip with the mothers ashes.
I watched it last thursday on apple TV
Oh wow! I'll have to check it out! That does sound similar haha. Thank you guys, it's still the honeymoon phase right now, talk to me in January as i'm editing scripts and we'll see how i'm actually doing 😂
Thanks in advance :)
In addition to Apple TV, Detours is also on Amazon FreeVee, TubiTV, Redbox, and a bunch of other streamers.

My only recommendation: take a break from it periodically so you don't get (too) burned out.
This is great advice. It's definitely tiring haha. And I'll definitely check it out!
Thank you so much! I'm also keeping journals and things for myself, but wanted to open it up for anyone to follow the journey if they wanted. I grew up loving the BTS and extras on DVD's, and wanted to make something similar in real-time. As I'm still writing/finding the story the logline is a bit loose at the moment. But something like: "an estranged father and son embark on a memory filled hunting trip after a death in the family."

Good luck on your feature! excited to hear more about it!
Awesome, can't wait to see/hear more as the process develops. Echoing what was said above, take breaks and don't burn yourself out. Every script is different. If you have a clear idea of where the story is going, it might just take a few weeks. If you're figuring it out as you go, it could take a year. It usually takes me 3 months for a first draft, so don't get discouraged!
I'm really interested to follow this as I'd like to see how live action films unfold - I do animations and it's such a different approach for the "filling" of the filmmaking sandwich (rehearsing, the actual shooting/compiling/animating scenes) although the "bread" (prep, storyboarding and then post) are similar. I also don't have to find actors...I create them! (That being said, I do sometimes have to find voice actors).
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Awesome, can't wait to see/hear more as the process develops. Echoing what was said above, take breaks and don't burn yourself out. Every script is different. If you have a clear idea of where the story is going, it might just take a few weeks. If you're figuring it out as you go, it could take a year. It usually takes me 3 months for a first draft, so don't get discouraged!
Definitely. I've already got a good outline in place, which took me a few weeks. And it's a pretty clear story in my head at the moment. But I'm expecting revisions to take at least a month or two haha. Thanks for the encouragement!
I'm really interested to follow this as I'd like to see how live action films unfold - I do animations and it's such a different approach for the "filling" of the filmmaking sandwich (rehearsing, the actual shooting/compiling/animating scenes) although the "bread" (prep, storyboarding and then post) are similar. I also don't have to find actors...I create them! (That being said, I do sometimes have to find voice actors).
That's fascinating! I'd love to do more animation work somewhere further down the line. I'm definitely figuring it all out as I go with this one. So i'm excited to find some answers about the "filling" as well haha.