archived-videos Custodian Britain

This is a new Project for me working on a Documentary called Custodian Britain about Authentic Unconventional People who want to share their life experience & wisdom with others. I like open people who have no Agenda & just want to speak their mind & be able to leave a Legacy for others on Life's Journey with a few Heads Up Wisdom Tips.

I live in a Farming community in the National Park & have been looking for people who 'Tell it like it is' & sometimes it is controversial what comes up in conversation but I believe that these people need to be heard for the Generations Now & Future about how Conformity is keeping our Societies Toxic & people Disciplined into not communicating with each other & losing Vital People Skills.

These Stories are from People who do Believe that we Own Nothing & that We are only Custodians (Caretakers) for not only our belongings but also the Land that we Reside Upon.
I have started the Series with Our Elder Generations as they are most likely not to be around much longer & will move through he Generations & ask them their Stories as the Series Progresses.

In this first Episode I talk to a 83yr old Farmer who's Ancestors came here in 1779 from the isle of Skye & took up the Land & Farming & continue today.
I am open to Critique & Feedback so let me know your Positive thoughts as I would like to grow this series as an Organic Creation.
I hope you can take something away from Watching & Listening - Thanks :)
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I'm quite confused; you say you like open people who have no agenda.
Then you go on to tell us about your agenda: conformity is keeping our
society toxic, we own nothing. That is an agenda, is it not?

To be honest a documentary without an agenda is a bit boring to me.
I almost didn't watch this because of your confusing description.

The opening is too long. And if your goal is to not have an agenda all
those quotes fail in that goal. Your agenda comes of quite clearly. Your
audio is terrible. You're in a controlled space, next time take a little more
time and care with that. It's almost impossible to hear the questions.

This looks to me like one interview that could be part of a whole rather
than a stand alone “documentary”. Even in a short doc like this you should
get outside, show his place, give the viewer a look beyond a talking head.
I'm quite confused; you say you like open people who have no agenda.
Then you go on to tell us about your agenda: conformity is keeping our
society toxic, we own nothing. That is an agenda, is it not?

To be honest a documentary without an agenda is a bit boring to me.
I almost didn't watch this because of your confusing description.

The opening is too long. And if your goal is to not have an agenda all
those quotes fail in that goal. Your agenda comes of quite clearly. Your
audio is terrible. You're in a controlled space, next time take a little more
time and care with that. It's almost impossible to hear the questions.

This looks to me like one interview that could be part of a whole rather
than a stand alone “documentary”. Even in a short doc like this you should
get outside, show his place, give the viewer a look beyond a talking head.

I thought about going outside & keeping from the talking head but didn't want to stray from the dialogue - okay get you slightly on the agenda thing & probably needs more focus - the audio was with 2 radio mikes but one did not sync properly & was playing up ! - did appreciate first intro was a little long & sped up in part two but no outside ( maybe in part 3)- Thanks for the Feedback Appreciate it as new field to dig in :)
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