This is a new Project for me working on a Documentary called Custodian Britain about Authentic Unconventional People who want to share their life experience & wisdom with others. I like open people who have no Agenda & just want to speak their mind & be able to leave a Legacy for others on Life's Journey with a few Heads Up Wisdom Tips.
I live in a Farming community in the National Park & have been looking for people who 'Tell it like it is' & sometimes it is controversial what comes up in conversation but I believe that these people need to be heard for the Generations Now & Future about how Conformity is keeping our Societies Toxic & people Disciplined into not communicating with each other & losing Vital People Skills.
These Stories are from People who do Believe that we Own Nothing & that We are only Custodians (Caretakers) for not only our belongings but also the Land that we Reside Upon.
I have started the Series with Our Elder Generations as they are most likely not to be around much longer & will move through he Generations & ask them their Stories as the Series Progresses.
In this first Episode I talk to a 83yr old Farmer who's Ancestors came here in 1779 from the isle of Skye & took up the Land & Farming & continue today.
I am open to Critique & Feedback so let me know your Positive thoughts as I would like to grow this series as an Organic Creation.
I hope you can take something away from Watching & Listening - Thanks
I live in a Farming community in the National Park & have been looking for people who 'Tell it like it is' & sometimes it is controversial what comes up in conversation but I believe that these people need to be heard for the Generations Now & Future about how Conformity is keeping our Societies Toxic & people Disciplined into not communicating with each other & losing Vital People Skills.
These Stories are from People who do Believe that we Own Nothing & that We are only Custodians (Caretakers) for not only our belongings but also the Land that we Reside Upon.
I have started the Series with Our Elder Generations as they are most likely not to be around much longer & will move through he Generations & ask them their Stories as the Series Progresses.
In this first Episode I talk to a 83yr old Farmer who's Ancestors came here in 1779 from the isle of Skye & took up the Land & Farming & continue today.
I am open to Critique & Feedback so let me know your Positive thoughts as I would like to grow this series as an Organic Creation.
I hope you can take something away from Watching & Listening - Thanks
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