Creative freedom


I am looking for advice, I am directing my first music video, the artist who I am shooting the video for, is very hands on. which is great as I value his input. I have spent a lot of time coming up with the concept, drafting storyboards, and feel really excited by the project. But I feel he may want to have to much of an influence, and try and take over. I was wondering what is the best way to deal with this. Thanks for your help.
Start explaining to him how to play the guitar or sing or whatever it is that he does. Keep doing it until he gets the point. Not only on set but at lunch on the phone. Whenever you can.
Well, it all depends; are you getting paid? If yes, you need to do exactly what the client wants you to do, even if it goes against everything you know, everything you've been taught and every industry standard. You can very firmly but politely disagree and try to nudge things in the proper direction, but it's the clients money.

If you are not being paid that's another story, but there are a million variables in how you should deal with it depending upon circumstances.
The only answer to this is in the job itself. Alcove asked the
right question. Creative freedom is an elusive thing. Unless you
are putting up all the money and are completely in charge you will
not have creative freedom in they way you mean it.

In this case it seems to me the artist is the one with the
creative freedom and you are the person hired to get his vision on
video - his way. But you don’t give enough information so I may be
off base.

I have directed over 40 music videos. I have never had complete
creative freedom. Not once. Even on my very first one for a band I
was managing (Social Distortion) and paid for, the band had the
final say.

My advice, if you want to get a reputation as THE director to work
with is to give this artist the creative freedom. Do your best to
get his vision on the screen.

Not what you want to hear and it slaps the face of the “auteur
theory”, but it can be good business. However, if you feel
creative freedom is essential than you need to tell this artist up
front that you will listen to him and his ideas but YOU have the
final say. Make that clear up front, before you get on set.