creating a sci-fi planet

Just a question, what would be the best way to go about creating a setting for an alien planet? i know you can do set extensions and stuff in after effects but that only looks realistic when used for back drop objects. What is a good way to actually create a alien planet set? or a cheap way to do this. I take it prometheus was a 3D setting the whole time? or did they create the set.
Not being a visual design person...

I would think that it all depends on how alien you want to make it. Let's take "Star Wars for an example. In Episode IV Tatooine, where Luke Skywalker lives, seems to be mostly a desert. ............

The Sahara desert in Tunesia to be exact.
And to make things stranger: the underground farms are real underground homes. It seems that some earth tribe has been living in an alien home for ages ;)

The concept of alien planets is often quite weird in SF: the whole planet is a sea/desert/iceplane/swamp/forest/jungle/metropolis/rocks.

Adding a large gasgiant in the sky will help as well.
Or 2 moons.
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thankyou ray and wheatgrinder! and i had not had time to look yet, i just got off of work, but i much appreciate you showing that map! You all have been a tremendous help (: ill start looking at some of those locations. I'm not sure how alien i want the planet yet, still in pre-script phase just ideas going through my head. Prometheus has intrigued me to create my own scifi-mythology.
Parks require permits for filming... and apparently, they're hard to get.


^This guy don't care. :D