
Hey from Western Canada
My name is Randall. I'm a writer of screenplays, novels, and plays. I've had books published and plays produced. Now I'm diving into filmmaking. Can someone direct me to where to get information on formats accepted my most film festivals? This will help me select the camera to purchase etc.
Cheers and thanks
thanks for the quick reply. I'm assembling information in order to get equipment to allow submission and showing at film festivals.
To most film festivals use mini DV format for showing short films. If so, I'll get that type of camera. I am a bit confused, as you can probably tell.
You can get a good list of festivals (and what formats they show) at Without A Box, using a free account there.

WAB is also handy for digital submissions to various fests, as well. That can add up fast, still.

The thing is - no matter what format(s) the particular festival shows, you can likely prepare a submission in that format regardless of what the original was shot on. (Obvious exceptions being the "shot & shown on celluloid exclusively" ones).

You're probably better off trying to decide which camera, or even medium, is best for the project itself. :)

What's the significance of the word copper, btw? That the project you're working on now?
Haa haa. You guys are already a terrific help. Glad I joined. I'll check out Without a Box. Didn't know they had both submission and showing film formats listed. Great Idea. "Copper' is from my life-long favorite hockey team's colours...Edmonton Oilers Copper and Blue.
I'm buying a new mac computer and want to ease my way in with imovie 09 and modest film equipment. The only think I really want is one with a connection for remote sound and ease of compatibility to a Mac
cheers and thanks again

Go over to the "Camera and Lenses" forum. You'll
see a dozen "What camera should I get?" threads
with lots of options. While you're over there you
can ask specific questions and you'll get specific
answers. It will help to have a budget range in mind.
No need to suggest an $8,000 camera when you
can only spend $500, right?
Welcome Grasshopper!

I'm one of the audio guys here.

Keep in mind that the search function is your friend. Everyone here is always very glad to help you out, but a lot of the "basics" questions have been asked and answered many times.

And always remember:

"Sound is half of the experience"<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

"Old man, how is it that you hear these things?"

"Young man, how is it that you do not?"
I love that you have a semi-default welcome post Alcove. :) At least it always seems to have that grasshopper clip.

Welcome copper, like rik said, lots of camera info in that section. See you there.
Hi and thanks for the great welcome. I've pounded through the camera section. The changing technology is my brick wall. I could find no consensus on a 'simple' recording format for a beginner. I've decided to purchase a mini DV camera with an external mic jack and go from there. The 'flash' and 'hard drive' cameras seem to be poorly rated and don't work well with a Mac.
Here I go!