Congrats Rik and LVE

Thanks. I just hope I can make it out to Cleveland to see some of my fellow indie movie makers. I mistaken or is the Indie Gathering in August???

I was planning to come to Cleveland.... :huh:

-- spinner :cool:

...And Congrats, Rik!
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August 4, 5, 6. Looks like they announce categorical winners, and then there are trophies for overall winners at the fest. I agree it's a little confusing. But congrats are in order either way.
...yeah, there's alot of stuff on that site! I am looking forward to going.

I guess I better get moving on that, wouldn't want to have to sleep in my car :D

-- spinner :cool:
Damn if they didn't give me a 10AM Sunday screening time. Don't get me wrong, I'm honored to be screened and win a first place award in my category, but damn.... who's going to go to a 10AM screening on Sunday morning after two nights of parties? I'm afraid I'll be there all alone.

If I don't ignore my wakeup call. that the only screening for your film? How long is the film? Wasn't Dark Crimes in the Screening Room? Oh, the drawbacks of dial up...:rolleyes:

-- spinner :cool:

I'm sure someone will show up at 10AM. They may be looking for a shurch and need to be given directions, but they'll show up nonetheless.

spinner - yes, that's the only screening. It's 94 minutes and was never in the Screening Room here.
Looking at the Sunday schedule, I see there are only two films, and there is a 12:45 slot empty after #2. Maybe you cam move to that slot.